Page 89 of Married in Rage

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“Yes. Two minutes.” She grabbed Harsh’s hand and dragged him a few feet away from where Aarush and Ram were standing.

“I’ll make this quick,” she muttered, peeking up at his impassive face. “I don’t know what’s going on in your head but clearly, this whole situation has made you uncomfortable. I want you to know that irrespective of what has happened between us, you know…” She flushed a deep red. “Well, you know exactly what has happened. I won’t hold you to anything. I haven’t forgotten our deal. I know that this is…it’s not real.” She looked away, sounding like she was choking on the words. “So, don’t worry, okay? You’re not stuck with me for life.”

Before he could respond, she marched off to join the other two and he trailed behind, wishing he’d found the right words in the right moment. But, today, his legendary charm was deserting him.

They reached the fourth tower in the complex, Madhavan’s tower. All four of them standing in silence

“Your equipment is all good?” Harsh asked her, his voice sounding raspy with unuse.

She nodded, her hand tapping the spot on her shirt which covered the hidden microphone. Somewhere in the Vellfire parked outside, Virat was wincing at the noise and at their terrible sleuthing skills.

“I’ll be right outside,” Ram assured her. “And I have the master key. Plus, we can hear you so-“

“Anna, I know. I’ll be fine.” She pressed the button to summon the lift. “Anant won’t hurt me.”

Aarush and Harsh stepped back, allowing Ram to follow her into the lift. Her back to the wall, Raashi watched him, her serious eyes meeting his. He was still watching her watch him as the doors slid shut, hiding her from view.

You’re not stuck with me for life.

He had a newsflash for Raashi. He may not be stuck with her, but she was most definitely stuck with him for life.

“Let’s get back to the car so we can see what’s happening.” Aarush gripped his shoulder hard, steering him away from where he was standing in front of the lift, staring at the closed panels like a lost puppy.

They walked back in silence, Harsh keeping his face averted and in the shadows with his cap pulled low.

“She’s going to be fine,” Aarush murmured. “Ram is with her. He’ll be right down the corridor if she needs him.”

“But I’m not.” Harsh stopped walking, looking back at the gleaming towers with the yellow lit windows glowing, tiny squares of light that showcased lives being lived. “I should be with her. Always.”

“Always is coming,” Aarush said gently. “For now, let’s wait for her to slay her dragon and come back to you. She needs to do this on her own. You recognised that before any of us. Don’t cave now.”

Harsh took a deep, shuddering breath, scrubbing his hands over his scruffy face. “I don’t think I’ll ever emerge from this cave. Not until she comes back to me, safe and sound.”

People were starting to stare at them, hushed whispers filtering over on the night breeze. Harsh and Aarush started to walk, making sure they didn’t hurry and garner more attention.

“They’re in,” Virat said brusquely, the minute they got into the van, handing them headphones.

“I’m here to talk.” Raashi’s calm voice filtered through the headphones. Harsh’s stupid heart did another little flip in his chest at the sound. He rubbed a hand against his chest in a vain bid to stop the constant ache.

“Now?” Wrinkly Dick sounded bitter. “After marrying the village idiot? After having me beaten up and thrown out of your wedding?”

There was a short pause before Raashi spoke again, her voice still level and cool. But he heard it, the thin thread of anger snaking through it. “Are we going to talk or not? I can leave if you want me to.”

“Are you here alone or did you bring your bodyguards?” It was accusatory, the tone, the implied threat, all of it.

“I’m alone.” Raashi sounded small and lost. “It’s just you and me, like it used to be.”

Honestly, Harsh was starting to get the impression he wasn’t the only actor in this marriage. He was going to start clearing a shelf for her acting trophies.

Silence and then. “Why are you here Raashi? What do you want?”


He knew it was fake. He knew it was scripted. And yet, Harsh felt the word lance through his heart, the poisoned tip leaving devastation behind.



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