Page 79 of Married in Rage

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“You had no right,” she said hoarsely, emotion glittering in her beautiful eyes.

“I had every right,” he snapped.

“Why?” She tossed her hair out of her face and crossed her arms, her nightshirt riding up with the movement.

“Why?” Harsh asked, suddenly enraged beyond belief. “Why??”

“Yes. Why?” Raashi shouted. “What gives you any rights over me? A fake marriage? A sham relationship or-“

She never got to finish because Harsh’s mouth was on hers swallowing the angry words. Urgent, frantic kisses, each disappearing into the other as emotions long suppressed broke their dam and spilled over.

Raashi gasped as he finally ripped himself away from her. He ran his trembling hands through his hair, his heart threatening to beat right out of his chest.

“That’s why,” he said hoarsely. “That’s what gives me the right.”

She stared at him, her eyes dazed, pupils dilated. And then before he could say anything she launched herself into his arms. He barely caught her before they stumbled backwards into the wall. Harsh flipped them, bracing one hand against the wall so she didn’t get hurt.

He bunched her nightshirt up around her waist, feeling her shiver as the cool air of the air conditioner touched fevered flesh. He pushed her up against the wall, his lips going to trail a line of hot kisses along her jaw and down to her collarbone.

“Harsh,” Raashi whimpered, her hands frantically tugging at his clothes. He unzipped his jeans and shoved it down to his ankles, his hands going back to cage her against the wall even as hers went to palm the hard length of him through his boxers. In less than a second, she shoved it off, reaching for all of him.

He groaned at the touch, any hope of control disappearing like water through a sieve. He kissed her ferociously, one hand slipping under the line of her panty and finding her ready. He ran a finger down the delicious, damp length of her, his heart shuddering in his chest.

His head fell forward on to her shoulder, his breath making a rash of goosebumps appear on her delicate skin.

“I wasn’t with anyone last night, Raashi.” Her name was nothing but a groan as she gently bit into his shoulder. “I did not go to anyone else. I could not. Not when the only one I wanted was you. I stayed away from you. That’s all.”


Her hand did a slow pump and his hips bucked against her touch. He dropped his head and took one plump breast into his mouth in retaliation, the fabric of her nightshirt doing nothing to hamper his enthusiasm. He was rewarded with a full body tremble.

“Why?” he repeated hoarsely. “Because I couldn’t trust myself to stay in a hotel room with you and not end up right where we are now. I couldn’t trust myself to stop.”

“Don’t stop.” She rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock, gently spreading the moisture.

Harsh bit back a moan. “Please stop. I don’t have any condoms on me, Raashi.”

She palmed his cheek, forcing him to meet her eyes. “We don’t need condoms. I was wrong before. I know you. I trust you with my body,” she whispered. “Don’t stop. Please Harsh. Don’t stop.”

He shuddered, his hands going to heft her weight up against the wall, her legs going around his waist in a move so natural it felt like they’d done this a million times before. Harsh pressed his forehead to hers, his gaze trapped in the bottomless depths of hers as he angled himself and then slowly pushed into her.

Her breath hitched, a slow moan escaping her as she wrapped herself around him, urging him deeper. One arm on the wall to ensure he didn’t hurt her, Harsh shut his eyes and allowed himself to finally give in to what his body, mind and soul had been begging for.

Raashi. All he wanted was Raashi. As he started to move, their breaths mingling, their hearts pounding, he finally allowed himself to accept what he’d known for a while.

He was in love with his prickly rose. Deeply, unfathomably in love.

His heart shuddered in his chest as he thrust deeper, desperately trying to get as close to her as possible. He felt her vagina flutter around him as her orgasm started to crest and he slipped a hand between them, pressing down on her clitoris.

Raashi came apart in his arms on a soundless scream that he heard in every cell of his body. He held her thighs apart, bracing her against the wall as he pounded into her, his own release pouring through him until it felt like there was nothing left of him. All he had, all he was…was hers.

He stroked and gentled her quivering body as they slowly came down from the high of the last few moments. With a last kiss for her shoulder, he swung her into his arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down and covering her with the comforter. He went into the bathroom to clean up before coming back with a damp washcloth for her. After they were both clean and comfortable, he slipped into the bed beside her, hauling her into his arms. Her back to his chest, he curled around her, spooning her, and allowing himself the comfort of a moment with a woman who it seemed had him by his heart and his balls.

“You can’t go after Anant,” she whispered.

He could almost hear the moment shatter. Harsh withdrew, pulling away and rolling onto his back. His mind blank, he stared at the ceiling even as hurt and pain and regret, a toxic mixture, swam through him. Even now, after what they’d just shared, her first thought was for him. For fucking Anant Madhavan.

Raashi sat up, her dishevelled hair falling around her flushed face. “You can’t go after him,” she repeated.

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