Page 68 of Married in Rage

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“I’m sorry, what did you say?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Are you hard of hearing?” The lethally vicious voice caused a jolt of fear to race through Raashi’s veins. Fear that Anant’s obvious intimidation hadn’t caused.

The privacy partition behind them was slowly pulled back and Harsh Kodela stepped out from behind it. His cold, furious gaze raked over her white face before landing on Anant’s startled one.

Priyanka’s worried face swam into view, but Raashi couldn’t look away from Harsh long enough to reassure her future sister-in-law that it was all going to be okay. Not that she knew if anything was going to be okay. Ever again.

“Where did you come from?” Anant rose to his feet to face Harsh.

“Are you blind as well?” Harsh asked, his polite tone at odds with the rage that blanketed his face and body.

“Listen little boy-“

“No, you listen, old man,” Harsh smiled, a feral grimace. “Stay the fuck away from my wife.”

“Your wife,” Anant scoffed. “She will never be your wife.”

“Tomorrow morning,” Harsh replied evenly. “At 11:41 AM is when never is going to happen. I believe you’re on the guest list.”

“Maybe we should have his name removed,” Priyanka suggested, her voice frozen and cold, bringing everyone’s attention to her.

“No.” Harsh didn’t look away from Anant. “Let him come. I want him to come. I want him to watch. And then,” he turned slowly to look at Raashi who sat frozen in her chair. “I want to show him what happens when he takes a Kodela on, even one who marries into the family.”

“I don’t know what fucking point you think you’re making,” Anant blustered.

Harsh skewered him with an icy glare. “I’m not making a point, Madhavan. I’m teaching you a lesson.”

He looked down at Raashi again, one last burning glance. “Enjoy your dinner,” he said, painfully politely. “I’ll see you at the mandap in the morning.”



“I don’t think we should leave her with him.” Priyanka’s worried voice trailed after him as he stormed out. Their guards brought up the rear, confused by the turn of events but efficient as always.

Whispers erupted in their wake as heads turned and phones lifted, subtly but visibly, nevertheless. Harsh ignored them all, finding it hard to summon the smile he always had at the ready for his fans. He kept his gaze steady and focused on the large double doors that led to the road beyond.

“Harsh.” His sister was the most stubborn woman in the existence of mankind. “We can’t leave Raashi with that horrible man.”

Harsh slammed his hands into the doors, shoving them open and stepping out in the cold, crisp night air. Polluted as fuck but still better than the air with the stench of asshole in it.


“Enough!” He spun on his heel, glaring at his sister who held his gaze, glaring back equally ferociously. “Back the fuck up.”

“It is not enough.” Priyanka hissed the words, ever mindful of listening ears. “That’s your fiancée in there. And you’re leaving her with-“

“With the man she chose to meet the night before our wedding,” he bit out, finally silencing his sister who didn’t seem to know what to say to that.

“It’s not what you think.” Raashi’s cool voice sounded from the doorway behind them.

Harsh didn’t turn to look at her. The way he was feeling, he didn’t want to look at her ever again. A harsh laugh escaped him. Quite a turnabout that was. Hours earlier, he’d been grappling with some extremely strong emotions for this woman. Hours later, the emotions were just as strong, just a little different.

“I can explain, Harsh.” She came to stand in front of him, forcing him to meet her gaze.

“I asked you to explain!” The roar startled them all, even the guards tensing around them. He took a step forward, bringing them toe to toe. This time, he didn’t look away from her. “I asked you to explain and you didn’t. Now?” He smiled, cold and feral. “Now I don’t want to hear it.”

“Harsh!” Priyanka interjected, clearly bothered by his tone.

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