Page 3 of Married in Rage

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“You’re certainly no one’s Prince Charming or Romeo,” she replied acidly, more than happy to rise to the challenge of trading insults with him.

He wagged an admonishing finger at her. She wondered if she could break it.

“Ah, but I never claimed to be,” he announced, strolling up the steps and towards her. “You on the other hand…”

He stopped in front of her, just a shade too close, an attempt to get her to step back, to give ground. Instead, Raashi held her ground and leaned forward, lessening even the infinitesimal distance between them. She would be damned if she’d let this man win even one round in this endless war they waged.

“Me on the other hand?” she asked, forcing a sneer to her lips.

His gaze roved her face making her flush, a fact that she detested. Stupid pretty face.

“You on the other hand look like a delicate rose but hide the personality of a Black Widow spider.”

She laughed, more complimented than insulted by that. Where he saw poison, she saw strength. And if there was one thing Raashi Gadde would never again be, it was weak.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise at her loud laughter. It obviously wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.

“Why are you still here?” He dropped the taunts and went straight for the kill.

“Where else would I be? It’s family dinner night, didn’t you know?” If he could go straight for the kill, Raashi had spent a lifetime sharpening her dagger for the same. “And I am family now, am I not?”

His smile disappeared, wiped off his face like it had never existed. “Of course,” he said, his head dipping in a mocking bow. “You are family. My brother has never been happier,” he added cryptically.

Raashi felt strangely disconcerted by the conversation, feeling like there were several undercurrents she didn’t understand or even realise at play here. Before she could say anything more, her sister stepped out on to the verandah.

“Raash, are you okay? You were gone so long.”

Veda walked towards them, her sharp eyes taking in the close proximity between the two of them and the adversarial body language.

“Harsh!” she exclaimed now. “I didn’t know you were back. Why didn’t you come in?”

He turned towards her, stepping away from Raashi. She could feel the breath rushing back into her body as he moved out of her personal space. Honestly, the man just exuded pheromones, kept scattering them willy nilly all over the place like confetti. It was completely irresponsible. She shoved her glasses up her nose with a finger and turned towards her sister.

Veda’s eyes darted between the two of them clocking the tension and the pure dislike that throbbed through the very air.

“Is everything okay?” she asked now, since neither of them had answered her yet.

“Yes,” they said simultaneously.

“We missed you tonight,” Veda told Harsh.

“Did you?” he grinned, the smile bright and dazzling. “I told you, you married the wrong brother.”

There it was again, the undercurrent Raashi couldn’t put her finger on. Her analytical brain picked away at the mystery as Veda and Harsh conversed.

“Did you have a PR thing to go to?” Veda asked, laughing at something Harsh had said.

“No, I was just out with my friends.”

Her sister’s smile dimmed a little, bringing Raashi’s protective instincts to the fore. But before she could bare her claws, Veda spoke again.

“Your premiere is tomorrow. Are you excited?”

Harsh shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

Oh right. Raashi rolled her eyes. Big superstar was so blasé about another one of his movies releasing.

“I’m really looking forward to it!” Veda enthused.

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