Page 56 of Married in Deceit

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Her heart melted into mush as she looked at her brother. She nodded. “He’s good to me, Anna. I love him.”

“You would love a three-legged dog with a horn. Loving people is your superpower.”

Veda stared at him. “Did you just call my husband a three-legged dog with a horn?”

“Of course not.” Ram leaned back in his seat. “I would never insult the three-legged dog or its horn like that.”

Veda threw a cushion at her brother, laughing. “Stop it. He’s a good guy.”

“Oh yes,” Ram agreed, sarcastically. “He’s the messiah of the masses.”

Veda groaned, giving up the battle. The helper brought her the foot soak and she slid her feet in, hissing with relief as the steaming hot water hit the abused skin.

“Vedu,” Ram said quietly.

“Hmm?” She rolled up the bottom of her leggings so it didn’t get wet.

“I want you to remember that if anything happens, no matter what, you can always come home.” His gaze intense, he held her own watery ones. “This will always be your home. Always.”

“I love you,” she whispered, knowing her elder brother had been her surrogate parent, the only parental figure she’d ever known.

“Like I said,” his lips twisted in a wry smile. “Loving is your superpower. But you need to also know Chinna, that loving you is the easiest thing in the world.”

Tears spilled out of her eyes, his words meaning more than her bruised heart could articulate. A loud shriek rent the air ripping through the precious sibling moment. Raashi came running into the hall, hurdled the sofa and threw herself on Veda, sending water splashing everywhere.

“You’re home!” she screamed into Veda’s ear, deafening her.

“Don’t strangle her, Raash!” Ram protested from across the room.

“Stay the night!” Raashi begged. “Please Akka. I’ll be gone in a week. Stay tonight.”

Veda thought about it for a microsecond before nodding. Why not? It wasn’t like Agastya was home. She missed him desperately, a nagging ache that never went away. One more night and one more day and he’d be home. She’d take this night for some family time and the day for dance. And then…when he was home, the night would be theirs.

“Oh yuck!” Raashi looked like she’d sucked on a lemon. “She’s thinking sex thoughts.”

Veda broke out of her reverie with the sniggers that erupted from her siblings. She ignored them like the mature adult she pretended to be and texted her in-laws to let them know that she wouldn’t be home tonight.

Her finger hovered over Agastya’s name for a heartbeat before she tapped out a message relaying the same to him. Her phone rang a minute later.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, without preamble.

The sounds of traffic behind him, the cacophony of horns and screeching brakes underlined with road rage filled abuse made it hard for Veda to hear anything.


She heard a car door slam and the noise cut out. “Are you okay?” he asked, an urgency to his voice that she’d rarely heard before. “Did someone say something to you? Do something to you?”

“No, of course not.” For the second time that evening, Veda melted a little. She was surrounded by so much affection, so much care. She was truly grateful. “I just wanted a little time with my family.”

He paused and then said, “Take all the time you want.”

She heard someone call out to him and knew their conversation was ending. “I miss you,” she blurted out.

For a second, there was nothing but static on the call and then his husky voice answered, “I miss you too Veda.”

Her face flushing a furious red, she ignored the gagging sounds from her juvenile siblings and murmured a goodbye before disconnecting.

He missed her. That meant something, didn’t it? Maybe soon, he would feel a bit more? A girl could always dream. Until then, she would love them and their marriage enough for the two of them.

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