Page 22 of Married in Deceit

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Raashi untangled herself from the Gadde jalebi hug and pushed her glasses up her nose as she stared at Agastya.

“Yes. Apparently, you’re going to be my brother-in-law.”

“Apparently, I am,” Agastya replied smiling. “Although I’d prefer it if you dropped the in-law and just saw me as another brother.”

Oh, her heart! Veda slapped a hand to her chest to tell the organ to stop being ridiculous and melting to mush.

“Does that offer apply to me as well?” Ram asked dryly.

Agastya glanced at him, an unreadable expression on his face. “Of course. We’re family now,” was all he said.

Ooh. It wasn’t just her heart melting now. Veda blinked rapidly, feeling a little foolish about the emotion welling up inside her.

“Soooo,” Raashi dragged the word out. “I haven’t been able to talk to you all since you dropped this wedding bomb. I’m totally out of the loop. Tell me everything.”

“Everything?” Veda asked, her tongue feeling thick and clumsy.

“How did he propose? What did he say? What happens after the wedding? Honeymoon first? And where? Will you live at the family home? Or are you guys moving into a space of your own?”

Veda opened her mouth and then shut it.

“Well?” Raashi looked around their little group. “Give me the deets guys.”

Deets? “I, um, don’t know,” Veda said faintly.

“Don’t know what?” Raashi pulled Ram Anna’s drink out of his hand, sniffed the glass once, and then downed the whole thing in one gulp.

Harsh’s eyebrows shot up as he watched her, a small smile breaking through his irritation. “Nobody told us the CBI would be here to interrogate Anna,” he said, sounding highly amused.

Raashi ignored him. “Don’t know what?” she demanded of Veda.

“Anything. I don’t know anything.” Veda looked at her almost empty glass. “I need some alcohol.”

“At least tell me how he proposed?” Raashi asked, a noticeable edge to her voice. “You know that, don’t you?”

Veda looked at Agastya, who was staring back at her, that familiar inscrutable expression on his face.

“How did he propose, Akka?” Raashi looked between them, sounding for all the world like a dog with a bone.

“Raashi let it go,” Veda said, still looking at Agastya. She couldn’t look away.

“Yeah, Raashi, let it go,” Harsh muttered, bringing his glass to his mouth.

“Mind your own business,” Raashi snapped at him.

“Why don’t you mind your own?” he snapped back.

“He brought me a ring,” Veda spoke over the two squabbling brats. “And he asked me to marry him.”

“Oooh, where’s the ring?” Priyanka, who’d come to stand beside them silently, spoke up. “I haven’t seen it yet.”

“I don’t have it,” Veda said, watching the hint of colour touch Agastya’s cheeks. He hadn’t looked away from her and this trainwreck. Yet. Before Raashi could start probing again, she added, “It didn’t fit.”

“That’s romantic.” Raashi’s dry tone cut through. “But I bet his words made up for it.”

“Give it a rest, Raash.” Ram cut in. “Don’t do this. Not here.”

“But I want to do this. I want to know that my new brother knows my sister’s value.” Angry splotches of colour spread across her cheeks as she faced them and Veda felt a surge of love at her sister’s protectiveness. No one fought for the people she loved harder than Raashi Gadde.

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