Page 129 of The Alien Soldier

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Patrick bit his lip. “Except you haven’t…”

The corner of Fal’ran’s mouth ticked up in a wry smile. “Had a great life?”

Patrick winced and nodded.

“No, I haven’t.” Fal’ran turned Patrick around to press his hips against the railing circling the rooftop balcony. He crowded in close and bumped Patrick’s nose with his. “But I do now.”

Patrick’s belly swooped at the heat of Fal’ran’s body, the musk of his sweat, and the earnestness in his rough tone. He blushed and bumped Fal’ran’s nose back. “You’re a sap.”

“And?” Fal’ran bracketed him against the railing and closed the distance between them. He kissed Patrick slowly, flicking his tongue against the seam of Patrick’s lips until he parted them.

Patrick’s eyes fell closed as Fal’ran licked into his mouth. They still liked to get rough with each other in the locker rooms when no one was around. Or in the bedroom when they both had the energy. But sometimes they were sweet now, too. Ramping the fire gradually until it flowed like lava through Patrick’s limbs.

Fal’ran kissed down Patrick’s neck and sank to his knees.

Patrick’s cock sprang to attention, and Patrick flushed. He rasped the word out through his dry throat. “Here?”

“Here.” Fal’ran grinned and popped the button on Patrick’s pants. “Like I told you we would.” Patrick frowned, and Fal’ran jerked his chin at the sky. “Look up.”

Patrick dropped his head back and his eyes widened. The stars. He’d forgotten how breathtakingly beautiful the stars were near the Dead Zone. Twinkling gems as far as the eyes could see. A multicolored celestial cloud arcing above them. “Wow, that—Oh fuck!”

Warm, wet heat engulfed Patrick’s cock as he stared up at the stars. He sank his fingers into Fal’ran’s hair as pleasure flooded through him.

“Fal’ran, shit, that’s good.” It was always good. Every time. No matter how often they touched each other, it shook Patrick’s world every time.

“I know.” Fal’ran popped off Patrick’s cock and nuzzled the crease of his hips. He ran a hand up and down his thigh. “I love you, Patrick.”

Patrick dropped his chin to his chest to meet his gaze. He brushed his thumb over Fal’ran’s cheek. He hadn’t known he could feel this way. He hadn’t known anyone could feel this way. Maybe they couldn’t. Bone deep peace shouldn’t have been possible beside such raging passion, such all-encompassing adoration. But it was. With Fal’ran, for him, it was. After so many years, he’d finally found where he was supposed to be. And who he was supposed to be with. “I love you, too, Fal’ran.”

Fal’ran’s gorgeous eyes flashed with joy and wickedness, and he licked back to the tip of Patrick’s cock. “Now look at the stars and enjoy this, Patrick Smith.”

* * *

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