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He sighed into the gentle—worshipful—touches and sated kisses, letting his mouth be angled and entered and then turned another way to be kissed again. Hess smoothed his clean fingers through Sebastian’s hair and traced a finger along the shell of Sebastian’s ear and made him shiver.

With one last kiss, Hess carefully lifted Sebastian’s hands off the headboard and then eased his hips back up. Sebastian groaned as he slipped off Hess’s softening length, his hole finally registering how sore it was, and Hess quieted him with another sweet press of his lips.

Sebastian let Hess roll him onto his back, but when Hess pushed off him, Sebastian let out a whimper before he could stop himself.

“Shh.” Hess soothed a thumb over his lips. “Just give me a second.”

Then he disappeared into a small room, and Sebastian heard running water. After a few moments, Hess reappeared with his chest clean of Sebastian’s cum, holding a wet cloth. He sat on the bed beside Sebastian’s hips and wiped away the bits of spend that had made it all the way up to Sebastian’s chest as well.

Sebastian let out a pleased sigh at the warm water and settled heavily onto the mattress.

Hess chuckled. “You said you preferred a warm washcloth.”

Sebastian frowned as he tried to remember when he would have had a post-coital preferences conversation with Hess. His mind had gone sleepy and pleasantly distracted as said warm washcloth moved down his soft cock. Then he remembered Kaston and snorted. “You listened.”

“I always listen when you speak, Sebastian.” Hess slipped the washcloth between his thighs.

Sebastian spread them with a little gasp and let Hess clean him with gentle thoroughness. He closed his eyes and wondered if maybe he’d died after all because Leon Hess fucking him until he couldn’t move, then sweetly washing him up with a warm washcloth afterward was the most heavenly experience he’d had to date.

It didn’t seem real.

It didn’t seem possible now that Sebastian’s brain was slowly starting to work again. It couldn’t be as good as it felt, something must be wrong, or something must be in Sebastian’s head.

He opened his eyes and reached out to touch Hess’s bare thigh beside him—as though to confirm it was all real after all—but once again Hess caught his hand. He pressed it to his lips, then smirked at Sebastian over it.

“Don’t you dare tell me you can’t sleep now.”

Sebastian stared at him for a moment, then threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, is that what this was all about, then?”

“Perhaps.” Hess’s smirk stretched into a smile, and Sebastian’s heart nearly turned itself inside out. So that’s what he looked like with a real smile. God, of course he looked good. He had the best goddamn smile Sebastian had ever seen.

“You were trying to wear me out, were you?”

“I believe I succeeded in wearing you out, actually.” Hess cupped Sebastian’s face with his hand and stroked his cheek with his thumb. “Go to sleep, Sebastian.”

Sebastian watched Hess get up off the bed and turn away from him with his inside-out heart in his throat. Seeing Hess’s back made him feel suddenly cold and alone, and the full-sated feeling in his chest started to empty. He reached out for him. “Hess.”

But in the split second before Hess turned around, Sebastian dropped his hand back to the bed. He was being ridiculous. That wasn’t what they were. If Hess had wanted to give him a warm body to fall asleep against, he would have given it to him. Sebastian shouldn’t ask for it.

And even if Hess would give it to him if he did, Sebastian shouldn’t fool himself like that. He already read too much into things, got too attached. Why the hell would he dig himself in any further?

“Yes?” Hess turned back to him with a soft but distant look.

Sebastian just swallowed. “Goodnight,” he finally said, then rolled onto his side to face the wall and squirmed around on the bed to get under the covers.

“Goodnight, Sebastian,” Hess rumbled from behind him.

Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut.

The good news was at least that blissful I-must-be-dead-I’m-in-heaven feeling had gone away. The disappointment in Sebastian’s chest and the stinging in his eyes felt very much real.

Chapter Eight

Sebastian awoke much more slowly than he had fallen asleep. His body didn’t feel quite ready for the endeavor, and he didn’t rush it. Instead, he luxuriated in the unique and perfect warmth of a bed in the morning after a good night’s sleep. As the inclination came to him, he let his consciousness expand into an awareness of the light in the room: a sweet yellow sunlight.

Then he heard a soft scratching and an occasional creak and the quiet murmur of a voice talking only to itself. He listened to the calm, unhurried sounds for a while, basking in the softness of the bed and the sunlight bright behind his eyelids.

Finally, he opened his eyes.

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