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It was the most awkward few moments of Leon’s life. He longed for it to end but had no idea how and found himself rooted to the spot, staring blankly at the man he had pined for for years.

Sebastian let out a snort of a laugh and shook his head. “Be careful out there, Hess.”

And then he was gone.

Chapter Five

Sebastian closed the door behind him, his hand shaking on the knob, and walked as carefully as he could down the hall. His legs still felt like jelly. His whole body still wanted to melt into a pool of post-orgasmic goo.

He glanced around as he walked, not ready to see anyone yet, feeling like what he and Leon had just done must still be painted all over him, obvious for anyone to see. Well, there were a few smears of cum painted on his chest he hadn’t managed to fully wipe off that he could feel drying, but no one could see those.

He looked down at himself to check, absurd as that was, and scowled. People could certainly see that his buttons were all one off, though. He ducked into a window alcove and behind some drapes to undo and redo them.

Just as he’d gotten the line of buttons undone and was starting to redo them back up, he heard a door open and close and then brisk heavy footsteps that he definitely recognized. Hess was coming this way. Despite what they’d just done, or rather, because of what they’d just done, Sebastian shrank back into the alcove corner.

He tucked himself safely out of sight behind the drapes, careful not to rustle them and give away his position. They had already said their incredibly awkward goodbye; Sebastian had no desire to redo it so soon. So he hid behind some curtains as Hess walked by with the taste of Hess’s cum still on Sebastian’s tongue.

Once he had passed, Sebastian couldn’t help peeking out to watch his departing back.

He really was a very attractive man. Maybe not handsome as such, too stocky and utilitarian, but he had an intense presence and innate command that Sebastian had always found overpowering, even back when Hess was just another soldier.

Command. Sebastian shivered and sat down heavily on the ledge in the alcove. The man certainly had a way with commands. And he seemed to have a particular way of commanding Sebas—

Sebastian shook his head and then dropped it into his hands. There was no time for this. He could play he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not later, if they both survived this. And no, he wouldn’t even play that. That was silly. Hess didn’t love him. Hess…was confusing and probably confused.

Even if he had cried out Sebastian’s name when he’d come as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

No, no, no.

Traitor. Invasion. Defense.

Sebastian pushed himself up to standing, then immediately sat back down as his knees gave out. He couldn’t blame that on his orgasm, though. That was pure exhaustion. Days of living behind enemy lines at that summit, and then explosions, capture, interrogation, escape. Then a night of rest and more enemy lines, explosions, and escape. And now more enemies—these on their way and hidden behind their lines—probably explosions, and hopefully escape.

He was tired.

So tired.

The body he occupied was well-rested, and that helped, but it did nothing for the mental exhaustion or the ways his claws ached in his body’s brain stem. He just wanted to sleep. Really sleep, not knock himself out to survive high-speed travel. But that was out of the question.

Sebastian braced himself, forced himself up again, and kept his feet this time. The Resistance needed him, his comrades needed him, and Hess needed him. And he never let them down.

He threw the curtains aside and strode out into the hallway and came face-to-face with the second-to-last person he was interested in seeing—too distracted mastering his exhaustion to have heard the footsteps.

Garrett lurched back as they almost collided, then looked Sebastian up and down and frowned. “Who are you and what are you doing up here?”

Sebastian considered playing himself off as a new recruit inspired to join the Resistance by the impending invasion. He could say he’d gotten lost in the snaking, half-hidden Kaston headquarters. He was here to find a traitor, and subtlety helped with that, plus he wouldn’t have to deal with the asshole’s bigotry.

But as much as Sebastian disliked Garrett, he was also certain he was not the traitor—too devoted to Hess—and he was loath to hide from him. So instead, he swept a hand up to his chest and dropped his mouth open in exaggerated hurt.

“Garrett, you wound me. Still? After all these years?”

Garrett’s confused expression gave way to disgust immediately, and his backwater rural accent came out thick in his sneering. “Ugh, of course. And what are you doing skulking around up here? Does Hess know you’re back?”

“I’m not skulking”—he’d been hiding, it was very different—“and I’ve already spoken with Hess.” And done a lot more. He briefly wondered what Garrett would think of that but never even considered sharing it. Far too intimate and, oddly, far too precious.

“And where is he? He’s not in his office.” Garrett pulled Sebastian away from his musings as he crossed his arms and loomed. He was tall and even taller than Sebastian’s current body, a fact he seemed to enjoy.

“He just left. Off to check the barricades.” Sebastian put a hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be there? Or are you planning on hiding at headquarters when the Klah’Eel get here?”

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