Page 79 of Two Pucking Grooms

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Mac sighed, his shoulders sagging with relief. “Pink has news, too. Or at least something she wouldn’t tell me about. I don’t know what—” The nerves that must have been building in him all day bubbled out before Bash stopped him.

“What is it, Em?”

I sucked in a sharp breath. “I wanted both of you here—”

“We’re here,” Mac said, pulling me from the edge of the couch and snuggling against me.

“I wish I had a little more time to prepare what I was going to say—” My hand dropped to my belly.

“Em—” Mac’s head tilted, and I broke down.

Tears poured out of me. For the bulk packs of test strips that all came back negative. The months where it seemed hopeful for a few days until my period would come. The nights I lay awake, unable to sleep because I knew I had disappointed my husbands, even if they insisted I had done nothing wrong. Tears fell for the last year, where it had become a taboo topic, for fear of rehashing hurtful memories and hopes. And then the days where the hope started dwindling away.

And now, the sheer relief. We had done it. Somehow, I was pregnant.

Mac was buzzing, stroking the back of my hand as he waited. Bash was silent, frozen as he stared at me.


He cleared his throat. “Is—Are you?”

I nodded, and his eyes filled with tears.

“Just for the sake of clarity—” Mac’s nostrils flared as he fought tears. “We’re having a baby?”

I nodded, laughing through my tears, and the two of them smothered me with hugs.

“The nurse called and I can’t have the surgery for my deviated septum until after the baby’s here.”

Bash sighed. “At least you can get sleep, I suppose.”

I broke into uncontrollable laughter from Bash’s deadpan delivery. After getting progressively grumpier over the course of a few months, he finally admitted he had been losing sleep from the sheer volume of my snoring. We went to a sleep clinic to figure out what was wrong, and apparently, all that stood between Bash and a good night’s rest was a straightforward procedure—if I wasn’t pregnant.

“I can handle all the snoring in the world. A baby, really, Pink?” Mac’s eyes rounded, filled with hope I thought had extinguished.

I nodded, unable to talk.

Bash slipped onto the couch on my other side, his hand protectively covering my belly as his voice broke. “Our baby.”

“Ours,” Mac and I echoed.

Thank you for reading Two Pucking Grooms! Em and her men have such a special place in my heart and I loved sharing them with you! They will definitely make appearances in future Instigator and Evergreens books, including Roxie’s book ?? I hope you stick around for all of them!

Pucking Hard is up next—get a peek at Emmett and Preston (yes, the two Instigators Em and Mac thought were more than a little cute!)

Keep reading for an excerpt!

“Why’d you lie to Lucas?” Juliet asked.

“I couldn’t tell him they outright rejected my synopsis.”

Juliet’s face fell. “What did Lynn say?”

Lynn, the middle ground between me and the author I ghostwrote for, had always been kind. Tough, but caring.

And then the author decided this was the year of romance for her. After three years of writing thrillers that sold really well, she wanted something new.

When the meeting went downhill, I texted Juliet, but I hadn’t filled her in on the details. I didn’t want to face her or admit the rejection, but she was harder to hide things from than Lucas.

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