Page 71 of Two Pucking Grooms

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“What are you—”

She smiled softly and shook her head. “I’m sorry. For everything. I know that’s not enough, but it has to be for right now.”

Roxie nodded, holding out a shower caddy. “She’s right. You need to shower—” She pinched her nose when I took it from her. “You smell like—”

“Like I spent all of yesterday flying, collapsed into bed, and woke up to unpack and hop in the shower, but got interrupted to come to a wedding I didn’t know I was having?” I smirked, and she shoved me toward the showers.

“Exactly that.”

We also had sleepy morning sex a couple of hours ago, and my scent was a delicious mixture of all three of us. But no one in this room needed to know that.

I got in the shower, lathering myself up with luxury soaps Roxie must have spent a lot on. “You didn’t have to buy all this. How much do I owe—”

Roxie’s laugh rang over the water. “You already paid for everything.”

“I did?”

“Harriet and I talked to Julie. And Mac’s new contract is public knowledge, so I told her if the team gave us an advance to cover the wedding, he would be more than happy to pay for it.”

I snorted, almost getting water up my nose. Mac would be fine with it. And—it was crazy to realize—by the end of the day, it was technically my money, too. Although, from the moment Mac moved in, what was ours became his and vice versa. We were just making things official.

Drying off with the softest towel I’d ever felt in my life, my stomach sank. “Roxie?”

She was at my side in an instant.

“How long do we have until the wedding?”

“As long as you need. What’s up?”

“Can you ask Julie to print something and slide it into a manila envelope? And get it to me as fast as possible? But don’t let anyone else know.”

“Of course.”

“Okay, I’ll email her now.”

Roxie was off like a rocket, and my pulse steadied. I could trust Julie and Roxie with mine and Mac’s secret. Pretty soon, it would be as public knowledge as Mac’s contract, but for right now, it needed to stay confidential.

“Come here,” my mom crooned.

I didn’t know what had come over her or what made her change her mind—and maybe I was weak—but I didn’t want to be mad at her anymore. I wanted this. My mom drying my hair and helping me get my curls under control while we talked about Bash and Mac and our hopes and dreams for the future.

We got my dress on—Roxie and Harriet had literally kept and curated everything we were going to donate—it really was a good thing we hadn’t had a big bonfire before we left for our un-honeymoon.

There were a lot of unspoken words between me and my mom, and while she was applying my makeup wasn’t the time to ask most of them. I took a deep breath and asked her ones I could handle the answers to.

“Are Alicia and Collin here?”

She smiled softly and dabbed my lipstick. “They are. They both wanted to be with Bash while he gets ready.”

I fought tears that stung behind my eyelids. They came. Both sets of our parents. I didn’t want to know about the Connors, though. The way Mac’s parents left things the last time they talked, I hoped they weren’t at our wedding.

“I’m marrying Mac. Legally, I mean.”

“He’s a good man.” My mom pressed her lips together and focused on pinning a few chunks of my hair back. “That’s who I guessed you’d marry.”

“It makes the most sense. It was Bash’s idea—”

“Honey, you don’t have to explain anything to me. We were wrong to give our opinions about it.”

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