Page 18 of Two Pucking Grooms

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Bash liked to tease her a little, but judging by the glistening bead on his tip, he wouldn’t have the control needed to prolong this moment.

He grasped Em’s wrist and pinned it to the bed. Drawing her second hand to his mouth, he kissed her palm, before pinning that wrist above her head, too.

“You took Michael like such a good girl, Emily.”

She moaned and stared up at him as he notched himself at her entrance. The look of pure love on her face took my breath away. She was beautiful while bouncing on top of me and she was just as exquisite beneath Bash, inhaling sharply as he sunk into her.

Chapter Eight


“Everything tastes better at the beach.” Em moaned, licking her spoon before getting another bite of clam chowder.

Mac watched her, not at all trying to hide how much every lick affected him.

I rearranged the greasy vinegar and ketchup bottles on the table and wiped my hands off. “It’s a combination of the beach and the charming lack of reception.”

“Oh, the beach makes Bardot talk fancy,” Mac said, ripping his eyes away from our girl long enough to smirk at me.

“Admit it—it is nice.”

“I completely agree. And I kinda love it when you use words like charming.” Mac stretched, rolling his shoulders. He was attractive as ever, even in the dim lighting of the hole-in-the-wall fish and chips place we had stumbled upon.

We had driven north from our hotel and kept going until we were in Ocean Park, just outside of Long Beach. It was a quiet, small town with one blinking light at the busiest intersection.

I had come here a few times with Em and Rob on family vacations years ago, and it was just like I remembered. It was exactly what we needed to get away from the rest of the world and reconnect.

Em finished her bowl and glanced up. “Are the two of you already done eating?”

“You didn’t notice Savage scarf down his fish and chips in maybe three minutes?”

“Hey, I still have a few fries.” Mac nudged me and smirked. “As if you’re one to talk. Did you even taste your sandwich?”

“I burned a lot of calories this morning.” I scowled at him, and he laughed.

“Good, because tonight’s workout is going to be legendary.” He smirked and popped a stray fry into his mouth as he kicked back in the vinyl booth.

“You get a good night of sleep and the sass comes out.” I raised my brow and stole his last fry. “Keep it coming and I’ll put you in your place the second we get back to the hotel.”


The mischievous glow in his eyes made me laugh.

“The beach was a good idea,” Em said, on our way out the door. “We’ve been so stressed, and I needed this break.”

“Let’s be better about it.” Mac grabbed both our hands, and we ambled down the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

A small woman approached us, and I pulled back, letting go of Mac’s hand and hating myself for being self-conscious of our relationship in public.

“I haven’t seen you around before. Are the three of you new to Ocean Park?”

Mac stepped forward, mercifully taking the lead. “First time here. At least for me. These two have been here a few times.”

“Did you just come from Doug’s?” She motioned to the faded sign behind us.

“We did.”

“Well, you stopped at an excellent place for lunch. Be sure to check out the candy store three doors down.” She closed her eyes and put up her hand, revealing deep red, perfectly manicured nails. “The best you’ll ever taste.”

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