Page 65 of Knot Yours

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Do or die, I’m here, and thankfully, I’ve got all night to devise a backup plan.


Four men surround me once I exit my prison suite. How they think I could run, I don’t know. I’m on the top floor of this mansion in a dress and heels, with an army of mafia soldiers guarding the estate.

The procession feels more like a death march and soon takes me outside, but I don’t feel the sun’s warmth on my face. I don’t feel anything.

I’m led past the busy vendors scurrying around to set up the rows of chairs, floral arches, and flowers. My knees shake, but I hold my head high as I cross the arched bridge that splits the pool down the center.

Our destination appears to be a charming pool house with curved arches in front of a covered lanai. The whole picture would be inviting if it weren’t for the snake waiting on the inside.

Dario scans the length of me with intrigue. I, on the other hand, glare at him, wishing he would melt. “Good morning, my bride.”

I roll my eyes, and Dario rushes forward, fisting his hand in my hair. His grip is so tight that I feel several strands pulling free, and my eyes water. “What was it I said? Behave or be thrown to these wolves.”

The anger leeches from my face, leaving despair in its place. Dario lets me go, throwing me into a nearby chair. It’s just as well. I don’t think my trembling legs could hold me up any longer.

“The ceremony will begin in one hour. I don’t know how your father learned the details, but he’s now interfering in my plans. Fortunately, he’s also playing along.”

Dario laughs and continues, “Your father asked El Gran to walk you down the aisle in his place. The bastard is even sending the necklace your mother wore for their wedding. It appears the old man doesn’t know who put him in the hospital and sends his blessing for our marriage. Stupid old fool.”

My heart sinks at the news. I knew there would be no question about the legality of the union. The Otero Family owns the police, judges, and the governor of Puerto Rico. Forging a marriage license would be as easy as ordering dinner.

I had hoped my father would wake up and try to find me. It now appears that the shooting has affected his memory. Otherwise, there’s no way he’d go along with this farce.

“El Gran will collect you when it’s time. You will keep your mouth shut and smile like the blushing bride everyone expects. My men will be here the whole time, so before you get any ideas, just know that they have orders to kill El Gran should you open your mouth. If that happens, my father will become the next Don, and then I won’t have any reason to be nice to you.”

Dario strides from the pool house, looking as if he holds the world in the palm of his hand. Meanwhile, I remain frozen, too afraid to even look up in case the guards find a reason to report that I misbehaved.

Half an hour later, one of the gorillas answers a knock on the door. El Gran Ortero enters with Ruiz right behind. The older man with papery skin grins and places his hand over his heart. “You’re as beautiful as your mother.”

The man from my childhood who always carried lollipops in his pocket holds his arms out for a hug. The mafia don has always been nice to me. He’s also ordered unnumbered executions, drug deals, and God knows what else. El Gran, the walking contradiction, embraces me with all the warmth of a doting abuelo. I’m speechless, simply unable to generate the appropriate reaction because I’m too stunned.

Next in turn, is Ruiz. I have no reason to question his smile. My father’s half-brother. My uncle. He holds a velvet box, carefully opening it to reveal a stunning ruby necklace. He invokes my mother’s name as he removes the delicate chain and comes to stand behind me. “Valentina would have wanted you to wear her necklace today.”

Confused, I reach up and touch the pendant. I’ve never seen it before. Before I can say so, Ruiz returns to stand before me, enveloping me in his arms. “I have guarded you since before you could walk. You are like a daughter to me.”

His voice lowers, and he whispers in my ear. “Keep your head up. This fight isn’t over.”

Ruiz releases me quickly, and I struggle to school my expression. My uncle leaves to observe the ceremony, and I hide my shaking hands when I sign the papers set in front of me. Dario walks out with the marriage license—my death warrant—and I gracefully accept a bridal bouquet from El Gran.

I’m not ready when soft music drifts through the open French doors, indicating the start of the ceremony. El Gran holds out his elbow to me. Everything inside me begs to run, to find a way to escape. One of the guards must realize this and opens his jacket to reveal his gun. I try my best to smile as I loop my hand around El Gran’s arm and let him pull me from the lanai.

The gathered crowd stands as we stroll over the pool bridge and down the center aisle. I can only maintain my smile thanks to the reminder I repeatedly chant in my head. Keep your head up. This fight isn’t over.

Dario’s leering grin chills my blood. My knees wobble, and hope is dying until I catch Ruiz’s meaningful stare. Only his whispered encouragement keeps me moving.

The wedding march reaches its crescendo as we arrive at the front of the assembly, and El Gran passes me to Dario, who looks every inch the man in love. The Bastardo. He always was a good actor.

The priest has the congregation sit and then offers words of forever, dedication, and love, none of which apply in this sham relationship. I wonder if the priest knows this marriage is not consensual. I wonder if he would say anything if he knew it wasn’t.

Worthless vows are spoken, rings are exchanged, and just like that, I’ve become a slave to the Cruz family. The ceremony ends, and just before the priest announces us as man and wife, a tingling between my shoulder blades sends a shiver down my whole body.

I have the sense of being watched and not by those in attendance here. The buzzing in my head steals my attention, so I almost miss responding when the priest orders Dario to kiss the bride.

He pinches my side painfully, and I lift my arms around his shoulders to appear unquestioningly devoted to my new husband. The kiss sickens me, but Dario cups my cheeks so that no one but him will know it. Hopefully, it’s enough.

To cover for my lack of enthusiasm, I paste on my brightest smile, take his hand, and glide back down the aisle after we’re announced as husband and wife. Dario guides me back down the aisle, and every step we take widens the crack in my soul.

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