Page 14 of Knot Yours

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Piper and I reach the north side where, thankfully, an industrial-sized dumpster rests, full of construction debris. It's not exactly a solid platform, but it's our best shot and hidden from the suspect’s view. I kneel next to Piper and give her the mission directive. She signals that she understands hunt, bite, man.

She’ll be going up alone, as I plan to double back to the stairs to intercept should the guy try to bolt. The bastard shouldn’t see her coming. Piper’s training ensures she’ll be silent on approach. My concern at this point is getting her up without being detected.

Since I can’t guarantee a safe landing for Piper on the dumpster, I instruct her to climb onto my back. I then climb up the six-foot height, being careful where I put my feet to avoid giving us away. My feet are protected by the steel-soled boots I’m wearing.

Once my footing is secure, I brace my hands on my knees, locking my body down to make a sturdy platform for Piper to launch from. She’ll only have a four-foot leap from our position to reach the second floor.

I whisper the jump command before counting down in German. Piper launches upward, and the nimble Malinois lands soundlessly on the unfinished concrete floor above. After listening for a reaction from the suspect and hearing none, I scramble down from the dumpster and sprint for the stairs.

No sounds are coming from the upper level yet as I draw my weapon and take the first upward step. Ascending slowly, I wait just out of sight until I hear the telltale growl and subsequent snap of bones.

A shot goes off, and I race out of hiding with my gun up. I take in the scene, quickly assessing the situation. There’s blood on the floor beneath the mother, but she doesn’t appear to be injured. That can only mean one thing. Fuck, this baby is coming now.

Piper holds the shooter on the floor as he screams for her to let go. I kick the man’s gun away, line up the barrel of mine on his face, and get his attention. “I’ll call her off, and you’ll roll to your stomach. You so much as flinch, and I’ll let her get at your neck.”

“Just get her off me!” the suspect screeches.

I give Piper the release command, and she backs away and sits like she’s been trained. Because of the shot fired earlier, I want to check her for a wound but keep my eyes on the suspect. The bastard rolls over as commanded, and I get his hands and feet secured with zip ties, not bothering to be careful with his injured wrist.

The suspect is secured, but the laboring woman’s cries mean I still can’t check my dog. While rushing to her side, I glance at Piper, noting blood all over her neck. I pull the radio from my pocket and switch it on, immediately calling for units and the medical team while helping the woman lie down.

She holds my hand, squeezing the shit out of it through a contraction. Memories of doing this once before flash through me. I fight back angry tears, feeling Amber’s betrayal as sharp and fresh as that day in Georgia.

Thankfully, the cavalry arrives soon, and I leave the woman’s side to check on Piper. The blood covering the fur around her mouth appears to be from the bite she inflicted on the suspect. I run my hands over the rest of her coat but find no wounds. My shoulders slump in relief, and I pat her head. “Good girl, Piper.”

Sitting on the concrete between the wailing woman and the bastard that brought us here, I press my head into Piper’s neck as the adrenaline leeches from my trembling body. Once I can trust my legs to carry me, I lead Piper to the stairs to get out of there, ignoring the pain-filled cries from the laboring mother and the man who kidnapped her.

The sheriff reaches the area as I clear the bottom step. I hand him the radio, and he shakes my hand. “My spotter gave me a running commentary on what happened. The two of you did good work.”

Nodding to the sheriff, I continue to my truck, where I wet down some paper towels to clean the blood from Piper’s face. She’s her playful self again now that she’s off duty and excited because she knows what comes next.

A successful mission means she gets her reward toy for the rest of the day. I retrieve the ugly gorilla from a box beneath the back seat, and she hops around like a puppy waiting for it.

I open the back door and toss the purple thing inside, and she dives in after it, ready to rumble. It has always amazed me how quickly she can switch from puppy to lethal hunter and back. I’m usually better than this, but watching the woman struggle to give birth on that concrete floor has left me rattled.

Instead of driving to the duplex like I want, I go home, nursing the re-opened wounds left by my ex-wife.

By Friday, I’m going crazy. Despite my hesitations over being vulnerable again and our age difference, I can’t stand it anymore. I have to see Marisol. Not even Amber’s memory is enough of a deterrent.

The flooring isn’t in yet, so I don’t have a legitimate reason to go back until I remember wanting to update the landscaping. I’d planned to outsource the work, but since I need an excuse to show up, I’ll do it myself.

After the day’s training, meetings, and typing up a report for yesterday’s police assist, I race home to plan out the new garden area for the duplex. The plan is for Piper and me to hit the nearest home improvement center first thing in the morning. I’ll pick up tons of gardening shit and spend the weekend at the duplex.


This first week in Norfolk has been a whirlwind. Wednesday was a late day at the office because I couldn’t make myself leave. Yesterday wasn’t any shorter. Today, I have no intention of staying late.

As much as I’ve enjoyed the meetings and getting to know the other doctors and techs, I’m eager to get home and, hopefully, see Austin and Piper. The thought has me chuckling. Who knew? Me… enthusiastic about a dog. Guilt comes next. Given my dangerous past, my conscience rails against getting close to a man. My shame is that I don’t seem to care enough to stop.

I haven’t seen the pair since Sunday—the only day I’ve seen either of them. Another reason my enthusiasm is absurd. Combining our two encounters, we’ve barely spent an hour together.

I would have liked to spend a little time getting to know him and sweet Piper each day, but I haven’t seen him all week. I’m not self-conscious enough to think his absence has anything to do with me. Austin probably works a job that takes him away during the week.

I don’t know what he does for a living, but I want to. I want to know everything about him. Since Sunday, the handsome man and beautiful pup have been on my mind almost as much as my work.

My hope dies when I see no signs of the pair at all that evening. Instead of moping around the house Saturday morning, I dress and head to the office, planning to spend a few hours reading up on upcoming and ongoing research projects.

By three, my eyes are nearly crossing. I’ve had enough for the day and head toward my empty apartment. After turning onto my street, my dread turns into anticipation, seeing the big truck in Austin’s drive. I roll past to turn into my driveway and notice him out front doing some gardening. Now’s my chance. I don’t know a thing about plants beyond their molecular properties, but I’m willing to learn if it means working with Austin.

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