Page 10 of Speak No Evil

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“Guilty as charged.” He grinned.

“That was a leading question, as the DA used to say on old Perry Mason shows.” Where on earth had that reference come from? “My uncle used to watch those on the re-run channel.”

She sucked her lower lip, only now remembering how a former beau had complained about her constant questions.

The silence gradually expanded to fill the space, and any minute it would feel suffocating. Will moved his hand back to the wheel. “Any more questions?”

“No, I better not.”

“Why not?” His blue gaze this time sparkled with amusement.

“It’s none of my business.” She found her phone and listened to the four voice messages her cousin had left, trying to figure out the best response. She’d worked late all week, but knowing her boss would leave today, she’d promised her cousin she’d come to the house tonight. Except she was currently miles from her destination. She leaned her head against the seatback and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“You okay?” Will asked. For some reason in the dark car, his voice sounded deeper and warmer.

His concern wrapped her heart in snuggly blanket. “I’ll let you know after I finish this call.” Her finger poised over the icon. “That is, if you don’t mind me talking on the phone now?”

He smiled and flicked his gaze back to the windshield. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”

Gwen peered at him. Why would she care if he overheard? Then she understood. He might think she was calling a boyfriend. “This isn’t private, and since I’m calling my very excitable cousin, our conversation is probably going to be broadcast loud enough for you to hear.”

Leslie picked up on the second ring. “Gran and I have been waiting forever. Where are you?”

“On my way.” Gwen caught Will’s gaze. “Don’t worry. We should be there soon.”

“Who are you with?” her cousin asked eagerly.

Had she said “we”? Gwen squelched a sigh. “A friend is giving me a ride because I missed the last train.” That was all Leslie needed to know. She hadn’t asked Will if he wanted to be outed, and she wouldn’t mention his name.

“It’s a man.”

“Yeah.” Gwen glanced at Will. A man, and what a man. Leslie knew she was taking a break from men at the moment and knew why, but her whole family kept trying to set her up so she’d at least have a date for the wedding.

“How’s everything going?” Gwen asked.

“I just heard today the flowers might not arrive on time,” her cousin wailed.

“You’ve still got two weeks on that, right?”

“What if he doesn’t get delivery in time?” Her cousin continued to agonize, naming other possible florists in the area. “How am I gonna find someone else this late?”

“Bloomin’ Bouquets has been in business forever. They know what they’re doing. Listen, I have to go. I’ll see you soon.”

“Gran’s eating her supper now. I’ll tell Mom to hold yours until you get here. She made chicken and dumplings.”

“I’ve already eaten.” She would have preferred her favorite supper but had been starved at the deli.

Gwen ended the call and pushed her cell into the side pocket of her tote, sensing Will’s gaze. “I need to go by my aunt and uncle’s house when I get home to try on my bridesmaid’s dress. I’ve been putting it off all week for work responsibilities, and Leslie is getting frantic.”

Will chuckled. “Weddings are a serious business.”

She estimated him to be about thirty-five years old, and guys that age were usually about to be married or had been. Especially someone like Will Strongbow. Not only was he knockout handsome, but he was polite, too. She liked him. “Spoken like someone who’s been there and done that.”

Uh-oh. This topic was so not her business. She didn’t know him well enough to tease him and hurriedly angled the air conditioning vent to blast her face.

“I was an attendant at both my sisters’ weddings. That’s the closest I’ve come to being a participant.”

Oh? That meant he himself wasn’t married, but he was going to think she was figuring out his marital status because she was interested. She knew she could be. Easily.

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