Page 101 of Walking the Edge

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“I need a few hours for the dream to fade.”

Her hand dropped from her necklace. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault. Just the way I am.”

She curled a hand up behind his head and threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. Her other hand hooked his belt. “I like the way you are. Anytime you want to talk to me, I’m willing to listen.”

He let her words sink in. Amazing. She’d heard the worst he could throw at her and still didn’t judge him. “I do have other faults.”

“Yeah, I know.”

A laugh burst from him.

“Everyone does, Mitch. You pointed out mine tonight. Sometimes I can’t believe how well you understand me.”

Mitch cupped her chin. Her mouth tempted him so bad. Did he dare push this—them—where he wanted to go? Since meeting Cath, he’d been walking a knife edge to keep control. Would he fall into an abyss if he let go? “I want to kiss you.”

“Go ahead.” Her voice held a smile. “I dare you.”

“You realize you’re saying that to a former Ranger.” He tucked his chin to look at her.

“I’ve always needed a hero.”

She was only being nice—or teasing him. He could run with the humor. They’d had enough serious talk for one night. “How long would you say?”

“Maybe my whole life?”

“Tsk, tsk.” Mitch pulled her between his legs. “That’s not good.”

“Don’t you want to remedy that?”

“I’ll do my best.” He smiled. The dark bubble of his life burst, letting in light. Not only did she trust him now, she liked him. Enough to bat away all his objections. “Like any proper Southern gentleman.”

She pulled her hands from his neck and ran them down his chest. “I expect nothing less.”

He took her mouth gently. She pressed herself even closer, trusting him. Something snapped inside. He nipped and kissed until she opened her mouth to him and tangled her tongue with his. He took the kiss deeper still, unable to get enough of this woman. When he finally lifted his head, they both had to catch their breaths.

She drew back. “Should we stop?”


“What about the stitches?”

“It’s been hours. They should be pretty set by now.” He lifted the soft sweater over her head and kissed each shoulder. “Still good?”

“Hmm.” She tunneled her hands up his chest, pushing the tee to his armpits. “You are so sweet.”

“That’s me.” Her hands on his skin spurred his pulse. His breath came hard. “All sweetness and light.”

She helped him free himself of the T-shirt. “Only when you’re off guard duty?”

“I can’t go off duty with you.” Didn’t she understand that? And that he liked that she kept him on his toes? “You always do something surprising.”

“At least you’re not bored.” She planted wet kisses down his neck.

Shivers coursed through him. “More like terrified.”

“I’ll try to behave.” She slid her tongue across his collarbone.

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