Page 11 of Nice & Thick

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“You don’t know what you’re missing,” I reply.

“Yes, he does,” Rhodes says at the same time Dad says, “Yes, I do. A good night’s sleep.” This time, I leave the two of them alone. My fingers are crossed that there will be no more hitting and definitely no bloodshed. I want the two guys in my life to get along even with the curveball we just threw.

14. Rhodes

“You hit me once. I won’t give you a second chance. I get she’s your baby girl, but you know me, man. I’ve been single a lot of fucking years. There’s a reason for that.”

Diego is standing in front of me seething, rightfully so. Finding your baby girl nearly fuck drunk with a man nearly twice her age would have anyone behaving similarly. I had let him hit me. I deserve more, and I’m a selfish prick. She’s younger, could do a fuck of a lot better than me. The fucking list of how amazing Kyra is would be a mile long.

“Still doesn’t make it any damn easier.” He crosses his arms over his chest and widens his stance. This is Diego the father right now, not Diego the military man. I’m not in his shoes, haven’t walked close to a goddamn mile with what he’s been through. All I know are the small tidbits Diego told me overseas and a few conversations Kyra’s given me during the earlier days of physical training. The two of them have been put through the fucking wringer. How Kyra made it to the amazing person she is, well, it’s a testament to how Diego and his parents raised her.

“I imagine it doesn’t.” My eyes swing to the living room. Kyra is walking back and forth, pacing the entire area. The usual tell that her nerves are getting the best of her, Kyra’s thumbnail is going to be decimated after this week, and this isn’t helping much. I watched as she flew apart right before Diego interrupted us. I’m sure she’s embarrassed, but fuck if I give two shits. Her dad can use the front door like normal people. Not even Kade comes over without shooting off a text or calling. None of us lost power judging from the last text we shot off to one another earlier this morning. He could have at least given me a fair warning.

Which makes me think he must have had a feeling Kyra and I are together. I wouldn’t be surprised either way. All of us guys, in one form of the other, have a good sense of what’s not being said. Kade can hear every damn thing a hundred miles away from where we were in a hidey hole, waiting for the next time we had to fire our weapons. I’ve got the eyes, perfect vision, and behind a scope it’s even better. And Diego, well, he’s got the Spidey senses to feel when something is off.

“You’ve got no fuckin’ idea.”

“Probably not. One day I might, if Kyra’s the woman to give me children. Though I want boys, so I’m thinking she’s going to have to make that happen.” Diego’s eyes sharpen. I probably pissed him off again. Oh, fucking well.

“Fuck me, my little girl isn’t a girl anymore; she’s a woman. It’s hard to see her growing up, especially when you miss as many years as I have. Still, keep that shit to yourself. I’m not ready to have a grandkid. I’m too damn young, and you’re too damn old.” Diego pauses for a minute, looking lost in thought. I arch an eyebrow. He shakes his head. Whether it’s to clear his old-ass cobwebs out of his head, I’ve got no idea. This fuck is older than me and has no room to talk.

“You want to rewind that and reword your statement?” I use my shoulder to lean against the wall. Pretty sure I’ve overdone it between yesterday and today, but I’ll be damned if I’ll take off my prosthetic and use my crutch at this very moment.

“Nope, I said what I fucking said.” At least he’s not willing to punch me in the jaw again. He’s got a fist of steel, hard as hell. Shit hurts, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave me a loose tooth or two.

“Hmm,” is all I’ve got to say. Diego is either going to hold a grudge or he’s going to get over this little snit he’s in. Regardless, he needs to figure his shit out soon.

“You the reason Ky’s no longer traveling for work?” he asks.

“I’d like to think it’s solely for me, but I’m not that much of a dick to come out and say it. I’m pretty sure there are more factors. I know she’s tired of traveling, misses her old man, along with her grandparents, and now that Lo is having some kind of problem, she’s really dug in her heels. This morning, she already had her laptop out looking for places to work around here.” Kyra hasn’t made me aware of her reasoning. All I know is I’ll stand behind whatever decision she makes.

“You’re the reason. The girl has dreamed about traveling all over the world, had my ulcer ready to bleed me dry with worry. Now I’ve gotta worry about you procreating with my daughter. Jesus, man.” Yep, I’m about tired of going 'round and 'round only to get nowhere.

“She’s it for me, Diego. My beginning, middle, and end. I got nothing but respect for you, but that woman inside? She has my love.” I push off the wall when I hear the sliding door open.

“Does she know that?” Diego states, tilting his head to where Kyra is walking out of the house.

“She does now,” I stated. She walks up beside me, dipping her head to move under my arm and into my body. I hold her close, hand going to her waist to keep her there.

“Alright. Ky, call Lauren. She’s staying at the house. Permanently. That pissant fucked her over good. I figure she’ll need you.” My woman may not see it, but it’s written all over Diego’s face. There’s a storm brewing, and it’s happening in Diego’s house.

“I’m going to cauterize his balls, maybe even use a rubber band. Hmm. There’s always a scalpel. I’m going inside. Love you, Dad. Thank you for taking care of Lo.” She moves in front of me, stands on the tips of her toes, and kisses the underside of my jaw. “I love you, too, Rhodes, but if you don’t get inside and take a break, I’m going to call your doctor.”

“Love you, Ky. I’m outta here. Rhodes, good luck,” Diego says with a chuckle.

“I’m blaming her love of bloodthirst on you and those books of hers,” we finish out our goodbyes. Kyra is already heading inside, and this time when I look at her, she’s pacing around with her phone glued to her hand at her ear. Yeah, the yardwork is going to have to wait. I’ve got a woman to settle down.



One Month Later

While I was shutting the house down for the night, Kyra decided to take a bath. She came off a three-day stint working twelve-hour days, which actually turned to a lot longer by the time coverage came to relieve her. The hospital she’s working at now is short-staffed and hot fucking garbage. Her back hurts, her feet hurt, and after tonight, she’ll be dead to the world. It’ll take her all of tomorrow to rest and sleep. Even still, she’ll only be coming up for food. The day after that, she will venture out, and still, she’ll have circles beneath her eyes. Tonight, I about stepped in to say something when she spoke up and told me she put in her resignation.

Damn woman assured me she’d find another job and would still pull her part in paying the bills, had money set aside. The only way to shut her up was to kiss her. I did exactly that until she was breathless and damn near climbing my body. It didn’t take long for me to lay it on the line—she’d been helping with groceries, doing odds and ends types of shit. Never once did I ask or expect her to do more. The house is paid off, my truck too. She needs a new set of wheels, and I told her if she does anything, it’ll be buying a new vehicle. She tried to interject but didn’t get far. I picked her ass up, tossed her on the couch, and convinced her in a different sort of way.

After a quick dinner of grilled chicken, asparagus, and mashed potatoes, I sent her upstairs to soak in the tub while I cleaned the kitchen and closed the house down for the night. I’ve got a ring that’s burning a hole in my pocket. Trying to figure out the best time to give it to Kyra has been on my mind repeatedly. I had grand ideas, one of them being on the beach, but the timing has yet to be right. Another time would have been earlier today, except it didn’t seem right; she needed to vent.

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