Page 16 of Spunky

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How the fuck do I marry this man immediately?

"Well,it’s Saturday, and City Hall is closed. So, we’ll have to wait until Monday,” I tell him begrudgingly. I don’t want to wait. I want to fuck him—I mean, marry him now.

“That’s alright,” he says happily, clutching the bags in both hands. I might have overdone it a bit at the shops, but he needs options.

“Let’s drop the clothes off at home, then we’ll grab dinner.” I say the words casually, but as soon as realization dawns, warmth settles in my chest.


Everything feels so normal, so natural, with him. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. He’s my sun and my moon. My beginning and my end.

I tip my head back to stare up at him, watching as he takes in all the new sights around him. Instead of freaking out, like I know I would be doing if I’d traveled through the book to his time, he’s calm. He’s…happy.

He’s happy to be here. He doesn’t look out of place or uncomfortable.

And then he looks at me. His emerald orbs melt, and the softest, sweetest smile graces his face.

This is what falling in love feels like.

The clouds part, and angels sing as sunlight beams down at us, bathing us in warm golden rays. I can barely breathe, the intensity of this moment almost too much.

We’re lost in each other, totally oblivious to the outside world. It’s just us, suspended in this endless warmth of love and safety. Just a day ago, I thought I was going to be an old cat lady, destined to be alone forever.

But then he showed up in my bedroom, and?—

I trip over something, and my ankle rolls, giving out as I tumble to the unforgiving sidewalk. My hands fly out, and I catch myself, the rough cement scraping my palms.

Before I even have a second to realize I’ve just fallen, strong arms scoop me up and cradle me against a wide, warm chest. I nuzzle against him, breathing in his manly musk.

I stare down at my shaky hands, at the scrapes, and… “Blood,” I breathe, feeling my stomach roll. “Blood.”

My vision goes spotty, and my head feels too heavy. I try to breathe through the nausea bubbling, but I can’t. I can’t think, can’t see, past the crimson staining my palms.


My head lolls back, then everything goes black.

I can’t tellyou how I got home or how I got naked. All I know is that the familiar scent of my house surrounds me and that my clothes are off my body. The cool air pricks at my skin, sending waves of goosebumps over me.

A warm hand lands on my forehead, and my eyes flutter open. Everything around me spins, making my nausea come back with a vengeance.

“You’re alright.” The rolling of Ian’s R’s settles something in my chest. They also get me all hot and bothered between my legs, but what’s new?

“What happened?” I croak. My arms tremble as I push myself up on my elbows. Why do I feel so weak?

“Ye fell and hurt yourself,” he says softly. “Ye fainted when ye saw the blood.”

That’s when I feel the stinging ache on my palms. “How did we get home?”

It all comes back to me like a tsunami now. The fleeting moment of love, the fall, the blood. My stomach gets queasy just thinking about it.

“I knew the way back.” He shrugs like it isn’t a big deal that he knew how to get home after being in this world for only a day. As if reading my mind, he smiles. “It doesn’t matter the century, lass. North, East, South, and West are all the same.”

My face flames as I drop my eyes to the bed, laughing softly. “Right.”

“Are ye okay?” His hand goes back to my forehead, as if testing for a fever.

“I’m fine.”

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