Page 25 of Nectar

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Chapter 9

They hadn't really fucked in the bed. The floor had been their battleground, but afterwards, all the angst and tension had been released and they were both very sore and tired. He guided her to one of the bathrooms, provided her with a robe, then went to his other bathroom to use some mouthwash and clean himself up.

He kept tasting plastic.

He got back into bed, turning on a movie, planning to fall asleep alone to the sounds of science fiction spaceships, but was surprised when she crawled into bed with him, and they lay together quietly. She'd showered, her hair wet, the robe very soft against his side as she nestled against him for warmth.

"I assumed you would leave," he said.


"I didn't think you actually wanted… this."

"I'm too tired for the games. Can I be honest?"


"I think I'm in love with my boss."

He was puzzled for a moment, then it clicked. "Torres?"


"That's why you did all this."

"Yes. No. Not exactly. It's all very confusing."

"Why is it confusing?"

"Because I slept with you but want to sleep with my boss."

"So sleep with your boss."

"You're taking this better than I thought."

He was also very tired, and he was used to getting whatever he wanted, but even he could tell that a relationship between them would be a bad idea. "Gertie—"

"Call me that again and I'll kill you."

"Okay, Trudy—"

"I am so serious—"

"Okay! Gertrude, we have nothing in common. We couldn't have a single conversation tonight without getting on each other's nerves. Even sex was…"

"A war, yeah."

"Yeah. I don't think a relationship would go well."

"Okay. Weirdly adult and reasonable of you," she said.

"I am capable of it."

"So what do we do now?"

"We can be friends? Or just like— enemies with mutual respect."

She snorted. "Sure Barret, let's try that. Meet me for gas station coffee and a donut, my treat. Let's see if you can hang with the poors when we're not an object for your power kink."

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