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Was it something I said—oh my god, is it my breath??

“This is embarrassing,” he begins and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I thought it would be more obvious by my horrendous playing, but I’m not actually a champion.”

“No, really?” I can’t help but laugh. “Alfie, I knew you were joking when you called the cue a ‘stick-thingy’ and the triangle rack a ‘whatchamacallit.’”

“Oh, I see.” He laughs and closes the distance between us again. He backs me up against the table, and I notice a smattering of freckles as I look up at him. “Really, I was setting up a reason for me to help you with your shot.” He grins devilishly. “You feel mighty fine in my arms, and don’t even get me started on what that dump truck was doing to lil Alfie. Making me wanna split you like a goddamn log.”

“Little?! There’s nothing little about that.” I gape, going right passed the log comment, then slam my dropped jaw closed. What is it about this man that makes me speak out of my arse? It’s like any and all filters go up in smoke around him.

He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck with a shrug. “Ah, noticed that, did ya?” He lifts a single brow while taking a swig of his beer.

A scorching blush burns through my chest and face as I nod. “Kinda hard not to notice someone trying to pole vault off my bum.”

“Pffff—” He laughs with a mouthful of beer that ends up sprayed all over my front. “Oh, shit!” he exclaims in horror and looks around, panicked.

I’m still blinking beer out of my eyes when he, finding nothing in our vicinity, decides to pull me across the bar. He shoves the bathroom door open and drags me inside, only dropping my hand to rapidly pull half a tree’s worth of paper towels from the rack.

He begins frantically dabbing me all over—neck, breasts, face, arms. “This wasn’t quite how I pictured the first time you felt me up going.”

That seems to snap him out of his fluster, and he gives me a mockingly apologetic smirk. “Of course, m’lady. I am not giving these marvels the respect and attention they deserve.”

He drops the wads of paper and sets his hands on my hips. “Let me rectify this travesty immediately,” he says, trailing his palms up my waist.

My body lights up under his touch. I’m hot all over.

His hands caress the underside of my breasts, and suddenly I’m cupping his face and hungrily pulling him toward me. Our lips collide and our tongues mingle in a careless dance. It’s not neat or sweet, but it feels damn good.

He groans into my mouth and picks me up by the hips. I hop off the ground as he lifts me onto the counter. But we never stop sucking face, and I’m about as coordinated and graceful as a newborn giraffe, so my knee ends up slamming into his crotch.

He doubles over with a punchy exhale so quickly that I’m not fully seated yet, and my second knee comes up and hits him in the face.

“Oh my god!” I scream, horrified by the bludgeoning I’ve just given him, and jump down.

“I’m alright,” he croaks, holding one hand up while still bent over, his other hand propped on his thigh.

“Oh my god, oh my god, I am so sorry,” I babble uselessly.

He attempts to straighten with a poorly-concealed grimace. “Honestly, I’m good.” He’s utterly unconvincing but still tries to turn back on the charm. His voice is ragged as he forces a laugh. “Where were we?”

He looks up at me with something that could maybe be described as a wink, and I gasp. “Alfie, you’re bleeding.”

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