Page 9 of Juicy

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Chapter 7


What did one traffic light say to the other?

“Look away! I’m changing!”

“You are a fuckboy, Macon! God, I can’t believe I ever thought letting you near my vagina was a good idea!” The girl I slept with last night… or was it two nights ago, shouts at me.

“Relax, baby. It’s not a secret that I like to mess around.”

She does not relax.

“Relax! Relax? You slept with my best friend two nights after me!”

“In my defense, I didn’t know you were friends, and we were only a one-night thing, Polly.”

“My name is Akari! Do I even look like a Polly?!” The girl continues to scream at me.

Sighing, I try to walk past her to the ice cream. I have a killer migraine from her whiny voice, and a pint of honeycomb creamy goodness sounds fantastic.

Polly keeps following me, her voice grating on my last nerve. Finally, having had enough, I whirl around, my fingers clenched around the tub of ice cream.

“Look Po-Akira. You said you just wanted a night of fun, and I gave it to you. I had no clue who your friend was, but she only wanted a night of this, too,” I say, gesturing to myself. “There are no feelings, and I don’t particularly care if yours are hurt when I was upfront that I don’t do relationships. You have the wrong man for that,” I tell her a final time before walking past her, ignoring the bulging vein in her forehead.

My phone vibrates in my pocket; the tell-tale notification sound for my twin lets me know it’s him.


Get sour cream. We’re out. 4:44 PM


4:44 PM Ok.

Sighing, I turn in the opposite direction that I want to go and make my way to the refrigerator section.

“That was quite a performance,” a rainbow-haired beauty says to me, her bright green eyes twinkling with laughter.

“I swear I’m not an asshole,” I sigh. “If I knew she was her friend, I probably wouldn’t have slept with her.”

She shrugs, her hair falling from her shoulder and cascading down her back. I suddenly get the urge to touch it, but I refrain.

“If you were upfront with both girls about only wanting a fun night, then I don’t see the issue. It’s not like you lied to them.”

“Still, I swear I don’t normally sleep with friends. That was purely an accident.”

I don’t want this girl to get the wrong idea about me.

I like doing the horizontal tango; I like that I don’t have the chance to get my heart broken like Jacob did. The idea of a relationship makes my skin crawl; it sounds suffocating, and I like my freedom.

“It's not my business, but maybe next time, don’t broadcast it to the entire store,” she laughs, her slender hand reaching for the milk. Then she turns away, heading for the cashier without even a backward glance at me.

As I pull up to the house, I feel my body visibly relax as I walk in the front door.

Making my way towards the sound of clanging pots and pans, I laugh as I walk into the disaster zone.

Flour coats the worktop, and my twin is just as covered, if not more; his tanned skin is now a chalky white.

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