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Chapter 11

Did he just come in his pants?

I blink rapidly, attempting to clear my lust-idled brain.

There was a short, grunting sort of groan that he tried to muffle with his palm. I suppose it could have been a cough or sneeze, but as I watch a dark, wet patch bleed through his gray velour pants, I know I’m right.

Holy shit.

Fred just came in his undies, and I didn’t even have to touch him.

That’s so fucking hot, yet I can’t help the trickle of disappointment that settles in my gut. I wish all that creamy goo was inside my barren womb, not wasted in his tracksuit.

Oh well, there’s always next time,my brain worms whisper as my stomach worms gurgle in disagreement. I grimace. Seems they're hungry for some of Fred’s spunk, too.

My entire body is trembling. My thighs are burning with the force of a thousand suns, but I can’t bring myself to move away from him.

I can’t believe this is really happening. How did my life change so drastically in just a few short hours? Earlier today, I’d been cautiously optimistic about my life. Things are going well at the bookstore, I have the best friend in the entire world, and the duck book drive is going incredibly. I’m healthy, mostly happy, and relatively successful.

My life is—was—just fine.

The only thing missing was love. After spending thirty years on my own with little to no prospects, beyond the time I regretfully spent with my ex, I was beginning to worry I’d never find it. The dating app had been a last resort. Despite the facade I put on for the world, I think deep down I knew none of the men on Cummies-4-Dummies would work out. Bud proved that ten times over.

There was a moment when I’d been naked and tied to his bed, watching as he inspected my butt plug with bored, confused eyes, that I’d wondered if I should just give up on finding true love. How could a man look at a butt plug and not be insanely turned on?

And turned on, he was not.

A fact I’m thankful for now.

If he hadn’t been too soft to get the condom on, he’d have been fucking me into next Tuesday instead of screaming like a little bitch for his mommy. Yes, the man called for his actual mother when he lost the plug deep in my sphincter.

I thought my life was over when Bud abandoned me, but as I blink down at Fred, I realize that my horrible date from Hades was likely the best thing that ever happened to me.

Fred Bates is…


He’s sexy, strong, smart, and most of all, he’s mine.

“I’m going to lick you,” he murmurs, answering my earlier question.

My body is yours, Fred. What are you going to do with it?

Shit, I can’t believe I said that. Normally, I’m not so forward.

I swallow hard, ignoring the burning pain in my legs. Thank god I spend so much time using my thigh master. Otherwise, I’d be a limp noodle by now.

“Lick me?” I have to breathe through a heavy wave of lust at his declaration.

“Yes. If you want me to.” He hesitates, suddenly looking nervous. “Can I lick you? Eat you? Swallow down your tangy nectar?”

Hell yes! My clitty tingles as my back entrance clenches around his frozen fingers.

Move! Please, please, just move!

I know this entire thing is supposed to be serious, that he’s looking after me. I know he’s practically a stranger. But the second Fred wheeled himself beneath me, looking like the hottest mechanic I’d ever seen, I’ve been turned on. Hell, I was turned on long before that. I’ve been dripping for Fred Bates all damn night. Now, the ache is deep and painful. I’m so wet, I feel like a lubed up bowling lane, and I’m desperate for him to rocket into my pin cave like the shiny ball he reminds me of.

“Please,” I practically beg. “You don’t have to ask, Fred. You can do whatever you want to me. I want it all!”

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