Page 27 of Creamy

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He shivers as if he’s cold, but that’s impossible. The heater is up so high, I could parade around his home naked like a forest nymph.

Clearing his throat, he jerks a nod. “Right. I’ve also got a box of gloves and lube for manual extraction. The tongs are worst-case scenario.”

I have to breathe through the panic swelling inside me. He’s right, though. I’ve refused to go to a hospital, and it’s only out of the kindness of Fred’s heart that he’s here offering to help me with my situation. I have to be brave. Besides, there’s no way it’ll hurt as badly coming out as it did going in.

“Okay,” I say slowly. “What’s the whisk for? Is that a timer?” My eyes widen and I jolt forward, snatching up actual pliers. “Seriously, Fred?”

He shrugs. “You can never be too prepared.”

I drop them onto the bed with a huff and bring his shirt to my chest, hugging it for comfort. Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply, trying to calm my nerves.

And then Fred is there and I’m in his arms. He rocks me back and forth, rubbing his hand up and down my back as he murmurs into my hair. “You’re going to be just fine, baby. I promise.”

“You can’t know,” I protest weakly.

I feel him nod against me. “I can, though. I may not know you well, Story Bates, but I know this. You will be fine. Better than fine.” He kisses my head. “You’ll be back to perfect in no time.”

“I’m not perfect,” I mutter. “And Bates isn’t my last name.”

Fred mumbles something that sounds a hell of a lot like yet and steps back, leaving me gaping. I snap my jaw shut. Did he seriously just say that?

Picking up the tray, he spins, moving to a door off to the left. He swings it open with his hip and flicks on a bright white light. I lean forward, watching him set up in a massive, gorgeous bathroom.

With a clap that makes me jump, he gives me a wide grin. “Are you ready to get started?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Groaning, I climb to my feet. “Where do you want me, doc?”

Pointing down, he says, “On the puppy pad.”

Oh, shit.


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