Page 15 of Bouncy

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Chapter Seven


Stretching my arm across my chest, I glance at the clock for the fifth time in under a minute. I don’t think Acacia would stand me up, but my stomach churns with nerves that she might not show up. After all, yesterday I gave her a facial she never asked for.

The click of the door unlocking has my heart picking up pace as Acacia walks in. Her tight workout set has blood rushing south, and I’m unable to hide the effect with my thin shorts on. The peach sports bra pushes her breasts up, and I know the matching leggings will cup her ass sinfully.

“You came,” I say.

She smiles, and my breath catches at the beauty of it. “I’ve always wanted to work out with you.”

Grinning back at her confession, I wave her closer. “Come on, let’s get you all stretched out.”

Moving closer to me, she watches closely as I show her a few ways to get her arms loose. The soft smile never drops from her lips as we continue, and my fingers ache to touch her.

“So, I know you sometimes work on school stuff when it’s slow. What degree you working towards?” I ask, trying to get rid of the overwhelming hunger I have to devour her.

Her lips part, and she glances away like she’s in trouble. I chuckle under my breath. “I don’t mind, Acacia. If I did, I would have said something the first time I saw.”

She bites down on her plump lip, and I barely conceal the groan that tumbles out of my throat.

“Sorry, I didn’t think you noticed and I feel bad that I ever did it without asking,” she explains, her voice low and full of distress.

I move closer to her, trailing my fingers down her arm and squeezing her elbow. “I said it’s okay, baby.”

Her cheeks brighten at the nickname and she nods. “Uhm. I’m thinking of just a marketing degree. I haven’t fully decided yet.”

“Why marketing?” I ask, sitting on the floor to start my leg and back stretches.

She follows me down and shrugs. “It just interests me.”

“That’s reason enough. I went to college and got a degree in business, but I never planned on opening my own business,” I tell her.

Her eyes widen and I smirk. It's the same reaction I get from everyone.

Cracking my neck side to side, I glance around my second home. When I started this venture, I did not know it would be successful. Our small town had never had a paid membership gym before, and I invested a lot of money to make it worth it if they took their chance on me. Five years later, I’ve paid back my loans within two of those and I’m already thinking of expanding by buying out the shops next to me.

“Yeah, I was trying out for Ninja Warrior. I don’t know if you know that show, but it requires someone to be really fit. I injured myself and couldn’t compete. But I fell in love with exercise when I was training for it, so I wanted to somehow keep that in my everyday life.”

Acacia scrunches her nose, and the cute expression makes me hard. “I think that’s awesome,” she says, smiling.

I get onto my knees, facing her. “Alright, lay back. Lemme help stretch you out.”

She does what I ask, and I move behind as she lifts her leg straight in the air.

Pressing down on it I bend it closer to her chest. Her heel rests near the top of my shoulders, and the thought of being in this position but buried deep inside her has me squeezing my eyes shut.

“You okay?” she asks.

I look down at her concerned expression. My fingers tighten on her thigh and I rub my thumb in a circle. “I’m finding it difficult to touch you and not want to take it further.”

Her face flushes. I’m obsessed with the reddening of her cheeks. “What do you mean?”

“I’m two seconds from ripping these sorry excuse for pants and burying my face between your legs,” I growl, my grip tightening.

Her chest rises and stops as if her breath is caught and her eyes widen. “Okay,” she breathes out.

“Okay? What?” I whisper, kneeling back and letting her leg rest against my chest.

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