Page 10 of Bouncy

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Chapter Five


Malissa’s words from the other day stay with me, and I can barely focus on my clients. I’m just going through the motions because I can’t help but keep glancing at my receptionist. I already know Acacia is attracted to me, I feel her eyes on me daily. But Malissa was hinting at something more. Would Acacia actually be interested in giving me her virginity? Is she aware that means I could never let her go? That the minute we took our relationship from merely colleagues to something physical, she’d be mine? My prick perks up at that, wanting desperately to stake its claim on her maidenhood.

I watch for a lull of members checking in and walk over to the desk, catching Acacia reading a book.

“Hey,” I say.

She startles, tossing the book beneath her with a short scream.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” I say, scratching at the back of my neck.

Her eyes linger on the arm stretched by my head before she looks up at me. Her cheeks flush a little pink as she gives me a small smile. “It’s not you. I’m easily scared.”

I nod, dropping my arm at my side and blowing out a breath. “So you mentioned dinner the other day. I was about to leave and wondered if you still wanted to go.”

“When did…” Her eyebrows scrunch before her face burns a brighter shade of red. “You want to go to dinner… with me?”

“Yeah.” I grin, some of the nerves draining away. I lean on the counter. “Or we can just grab some food and relax at your place.”

“Or your place,” she says quickly. Her blush still hasn’t gone away, and I’m enamored by the pink flush. “Sorry, my roommates are really nosy.”

I shrug. “My place is fine. I just wanted to make you comfortable. What’s your favorite food?”

Acacia smiles, the beauty of it causing a tightening in my groin. “Italian. Can’t go wrong with pasta.”

“Alright. I just have a few things to tidy up and Rosy should be here in ten minutes. Then we can go?”

She nods enthusiastically and I savor her reaction. Her excitement eats away at my doubts and warnings that I shouldn’t get involved with my employee.

“Wow you have a really nice place,” she says in awe, looking around at the single story home. It’s a small bungalow with only a few bedrooms and a single bathroom.

“It was my mom’s. Paid off the mortgage while she was still alive and then kept the house,” I tell her with a shrug.

Her face falls. “Oh I’m sorry, Callum.”

I smile, knowing she’s genuinely hurt by my pain. “She had me pretty late in her life, so it wasn’t exactly a shock when she passed.”

“Still. Losing a parent is never easy,” she says.

Nodding and wanting to move away from this somber subject, I head towards the living room with the bags of food still gripped tightly in my hands. “Want to eat there?” I ask sheepishly, glancing at my dining room table stacked with boxes of the gym’s promotion material.

Her little nose scrunches as she grins. “I’m good with wherever.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask if I can devour her on my bed but I walk ahead, leading us to the low coffee table and set our meals down. I wave for her to sit on the coach and follow down next to her. She tenderly pulls out the plastic containers of our meals, setting my chicken alfredo down before me and her spaghetti in front of her.

“Oh. We forgot drinks,” I say. “I only have water.”

Acacia smiles at me. “Water is fine.”

I leave her there and grab us some cups of water in the kitchen. The awkward tension is eating at my nerves. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous. I’ve dreamed of making her mine more than once before. Now the opportunity is slipping through my fingers. I’m fumbling like a teenage boy who saw his first pair of tits.

Moving back, I set the cups down and sit closer to her so our thighs are touching. Acacia opens her lid and moans at the smell of her noodles. My pants start to tighten near my crotch at the noise, and I clear my throat.

“Have you had this place before?”

She shakes her head. “No. I’m more of a go home and just fill up on snacks kind of girl.”

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