Page 143 of Tell Me Lies

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“Ludovico, please,” she murmured.

He cupped her pussy, pleased to find it wet. He glanced at her face. Her tongue darted between her lips, expectantly. He brushed the pad of his thumb across her labia. A whimper echoed in the space around them.

“Go to work, Ragazza. I’ll come pick you up at five, and don’t do anything stupid.”

He reached across from her and opened the door. Gigi didn’t think about it twice. She scampered. She stepped out and lowered the hem of her skirt as much as possible. Without looking back at him, she practically ran into the office building. Ludovico chuckled. He gave directions to his driver. Grasping his phone, he opened the video-camera app. His cock jumped at the still pictures from their encounter in her house earlier that morning. Hacking her computer and smart devices had been easy. Now, to install the more sophisticated software.

He amplified the picture. She had beautiful breasts, full, with brown nipples begging to be sucked. He smacked his lips. He couldn’t wait. An idea occurred to him, and he grinned.

“Why not?” he murmured, clicking the icon to share.

Chapter Eight

Gigi stared in horror at the picture on her phone. She was naked on the screen, wearing nothing but the short black skirt, and exposing her breasts to Ludovico like some wanton hussy. Shame consumed her and she thrust the device into her bag.

How had he managed to capture those pictures? When?

Anxiety grasped her by the neck, and she began to hyperventilate. The elevator dinged, and she ran into the nearest restroom. She dry-heaved into the toilet. After a few seconds, she managed to calm herself down and sit on the seat. Covering her face with her hands, she bit back a cry of despair.

He was the boss of a successful software company on the outside, but underneath, he was a hacker. A mafia hacker.

Her phone bleeped, the familiar sound of a message coming through. She reached into her bag, fearful of what she’d see.

It was another picture. She gasped loudly.

It was from earlier that morning when she had been getting dressed before work. She stood in front of her closet, stark naked, trying to decide what to wear. He hadn’t even been to her house then. When had he hacked her devices? How?

Another message came through.

I’ll be thinking about you all day, Ragazza.

Beep. Beep.

My cock buried in your sweet cunt. I can still smell you on my palm.

Gigi stared at the screen. Her hands shook slightly. Terror and excitement mingling and becoming a tornado of emotions she couldn’t name. Was this Stockholm syndrome? How could she be attracted to the man who was extorting her? Yet, whenever she thought back to earlier in the day, his presence, his warmth, her body heated up. She was alive because he wanted her. He would have her, eventually, and the only thing she could do was give in. Right?

Switching off her phone, she stowed it back in her purse. She wouldn’t reply to Ludovico. Instead, Gigi stepped out of the cubicle, washed her hands, splashed some water on her face, and made her way to her desk. Her movements were mechanical. Turn on the computer. Go get some coffee. Check emails. She immersed herself in her work. Pushing aside all thoughts of Ludovico.


Her boss’s harsh voice and slammed fist against her desk brought her out of her reverie. She blinked at him.


“I sent you an email. Haven’t you seen it?”

She glanced at her screen, jumping as she realized she hadn’t been working at all. Instead, all that appeared on her screen were jumbled words. She clenched her jaw.

“I spaced out.”

“Well, wake up. Ludovico called. He wants you to have something ready to present at his office tomorrow.”


“Yes. Are you deaf? Ludovico is an important client. He—”

“Is the mob,” she spit out.

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