Page 129 of Tell Me Lies

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“I was going to tell you.”

“When? Were you waiting for him to graduate from high school?” His voice gets louder with every word.

My grandmama watches all of us closely, not saying a word. Amber is grinning like a loon at the fact that Matthias is now pissed at me instead of her.

“Matty,” Amber croons. I see the flash of irritation before he turns to her. “If we get rid of them all, you and I can just continue like the last two years never happened. We can get rid of my dad and his whore too, and then we will be in charge.”

The insanity of her words hit me, and I want to laugh at the idea of it alone.

“Can you really forgive me?” Matthias asks and all hope falls away.

His anger at me for lying is driving him now. He isn’t thinking clearly and letting her lead him down the road to destruction. I knew he would be mad, livid even, it’s completely understandable. But this is so much more than I ever thought would happen. My greatest fear was having to fight for custody of my son, and now I have to fight for our lives.

“You can’t be serious!” I cry out. Ronin stirs in my arms and starts to cry once more.

I see the pain etched across his face before he masks it, turning back to Amber. She watches us both closely before answering him. Maybe I misread the situation and he is trying to buy us some time?

“If you kill her and the little brat…”

“Wait,” Grandmama says but Amber silences her as she points the gun at her.

“Amber.” Matthias is using his sultry voice, one I know well, but she looks surprised to hear it. “If you promise you will forgive me, I can do whatever you need me to do.”

Amber smiles victoriously and for a moment I feel like I’m dying inside before all hell breaks loose.

Chapter Twelve

Matthias Delgado

The front door crashes open and I feel an immense amount of relief. When I realized I couldn’t gain control of this situation, I dialed Thalia’s number before putting my cell phone in my back pocket. I knew the moment she heard what was going on she would get Ian to track me, and my dad would be on the way.

Yes, the little cartel prince needs his daddy to come save him. So fucking what? I would rather have my dad settle this than fuck it up and get someone killed.

My father walks into the kitchen and it’s like all the air is sucked right out. He has always had a massive presence. Following shortly behind him is Amber’s father. He looks nervous when he sees the gun in his daughter’s hand. He knows if anything goes south here today my father will probably annihilate his entire operation.

“Amber, you need to lower the gun before you hurt someone,” her father says.

She shakes her head, glaring at Kaelie. “One way or another, she is going to die today.”

“If you continue to point that fucking gun at my grandson, I won’t give your father the chance to plead for your life. I will kill you,” my father cuts in.

“You care about the little bastard?” she asks incredulously. “I will give you ten legitimate grandchildren to replace him once Matty and I get married.”

Slowly, I edge my way toward Kaelie and Ronin, fully intending to protect them. I need to make sure they are safe so I can fix this entire fuck-up once the dust settles. I love her and I’m sure she feels the same, I just need to get us all out of this fucking mess. I’m pissed she hid so much from me but I’m sure we can work our way through this, if we both survive.

“Stop moving!” Amber yells, firing a shot into the ceiling.

“Fuck!” I yell before glaring at her. “Are you insane?”

Ronin is screaming and Kaelie has wrapped herself around his little body trying to protect him from Amber. I want to wrap my arms around her and keep her safe, but she is simply too far away from me.

“You’re mine!” Amber screams before turning the gun on Kaelie once more.

I only have a split-second to make my decision before she pulls the trigger. I throw myself at her, doing my best to knock the weapon from her hand. Several things happen at once. My father and Kaelie shout “No!” at the exact same moment the gun goes off, and a blinding pain rips through my midsection.


Kaelie Carter

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