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He obliges and lets me lead him from the party. There are a few people that notice us leaving and whistle provocatively over the music, but we both ignore them, too happy to be embarrassed. I take Thomas up to the second floor and, to his surprise, the old guest room that was my prison, which I’ve been using as a studio since the day I accepted Thomas’s proposal.

To allow for better ventilation and privacy, I had the wall facing the back of the house turned into another wall of windows, and installed curtains on the wall facing Thomas’s old room, which now belongs to both of us. The wall of windows in our room was also renovated, the one-way glass replaced with regular glass, so no matter which room we’re in, we can see each other at work so long as the curtains are open.

And up until a month ago, the curtains were always open.

It felt strange shutting Thomas out after nearly five months of blissful intimacy, but I only had to tell him it would be a surprise when it was done, and he didn’t complain. Since then, I’ve been working every day in my studio, stopping only when Thomas would knock on the door and remind me to eat, or when the sun completely disappeared from the sky.

Now, I can finally show him what all that work has been for.

With Thomas’s hand still clasped in mine, I open the door on my best creation yet.


The entire room has been transformed from a luxurious guest room to a dreamy wonderland. The walls are the palest shade of lilac dotted with fluffy clouds in every shade of blue and white. The enormous bed has been replaced by individual storage cubes stacked to look like a mountain range running along the wall. The shelves are empty, ready and waiting to be filled with board books and toys and plushies. Soft rugs in every color of the rainbow cover the hardwood floor. On an accent wall, I hung every painting I’ve finished over the course of these six months. It’s absolutely stuffed with frames containing worlds both real and imagined.

And sitting in the center of the room is an overstuffed armchair and a crib bedecked in painted flowers and vines.

Thomas stops in the doorway. When I turn back to him, he looks absolutely gobsmacked. His hazel eyes are wide, fixed on the crib, and his mouth hangs open like his jaw has lost its hinges. I’ve never seen such naked emotion on his face- not since the day I told him I wanted to stay by his side forever.

“Clara…” is all he says, all he seems capable of saying. My chest feels so light I’m afraid I’ll float away.

“We’re having a baby, Thomas.” I say, a little more breathlessly than I meant to. He finally tears his eyes away from the room to take me in, and I smile through rising tears of joy. “We’re going to be parents. Surprise.”

Slowly, with the very lightest brush of his fingers and palms, Thomas cups my face. He traces my cheekbone, long healed from the bruises I sustained under my uncle’s hand. When he kisses me, it’s with a tenderness I’ve come to crave from him every second of every day.

Before either of us can get too excited, Thomas pulls back. I expect him to take my hand again and lead me to our room, but instead he bends down and sweeps my feet out from under me. Like the new bride that I am, I’m carried over the threshold of the nursery, and into the bedroom we now share. When Thomas lowers me to the bed and pushes my skirt slowly up my legs, he stokes the fire in my core that burns only for him. He takes my wrists and raises them above my head, wrapping my fingers over the top of the headboard and pressing them firmly into place.

“You’ve given me more than I ever thought to want,” Thomas whispers. “Let me thank you, my perfect mafia wife.”

His teeth scrape against my upper thigh, finding the lacy garter I hiked up as high as it would go. He pulls it loose with impressive skill and slides it down my leg until he’s retrieved it. Then he tosses it aside with a sparkle in his eyes and ducks back down beneath my skirt.

I feel his lips kiss between my legs once, twice, and then he thrusts his tongue inside me and sucks hard on my clit, and I cry out with absolute bliss. The headboard creaks under my white-knuckled grip. He feasts on me, his hands gripping at the flesh of my thighs and ass, and I roll my hips up into his mouth to give him a better angle. Pleasure sings through my veins, pulling my whole body taut- until it snaps. I shriek, my body arching, my heart bursting, my fingers aching from holding on for dear life. Thomas nips me with his teeth, licks the length of my clit, and pulls away.

I’m ready to weep at the loss of him, but of course he’s not done. This is our wedding night after all. We won’t be done until the sun is high in the sky tomorrow, and probably not even then.

Thomas pulls himself up the length of my body until we are aligned, his elbows framing my torso. I can’t believe I ever thought he was reserved when his hazel eyes are so hot with love I could melt beneath them.

I start to release the headboard, but Thomas’s hand grips my wrists, keeping them in place. “Don’t let go,” Thomas orders. “I’m thanking you, remember?” I whimper, but he silences me with a kiss. Our mouths open into each other, and I taste myself on his tongue as it strokes mine.

He has to pull away slightly to undress, but it’s worth it to watch him methodically strip off his tie, his suit jacket, his dress shirt, showing off his rippling arm muscles and broad chest. I’m dying to run my fingers through his golden hair, but I have to keep my hands on the headboard. Instead, I roll my body up into his, finding the angle that presses him tantalizingly against my entrance as he pulls down his pants.

Funny, I didn’t feel like the wedding was fully complete until this moment, when he plunges his cock inside me. Every time he thrusts, his weight drives me deeper and deeper into the mattress. He’s so deep in me it aches, the sweetest pain I’ve ever felt, the kind I begged him for the first time we had sex in his car. Our rhythm is as familiar as my own heartbeat, and we fall headlong into it.

Thomas’s hot breath pants in my ear, on my neck. His thumb presses between my legs, rubs me in tantalizing circles. He brings me right to the edge of bliss, and then tips me over it. I scream as he sinks his teeth into my neck. “Thomas! Thomas, oh my god!”

Again, he presses down on me, his pace quickening, the impact of his body becoming a glorious agony. Pleasure floods my whole body, from my core to the tips of my toes, until I feel like I no longer have a body at all.

I don’t realize I’m crying with ecstasy until Thomas’s lips brush the very corner of my eye. He slams into me again, again, again, but his kiss is whisper soft as they travel down my cheek, to my jaw. When he comes into me, filling me full, his mouth is back on mine, his teeth are on my lower lip, his hot breath against my skin.

He’s inside me and all around me, and I have never been happier in my entire life.

We take our time pulling our bodies apart, but Thomas doesn’t go far. With lingering kisses, he travels down my breast, my ribs, my stomach. The last kiss he plants just below my belly button, where a life we created together slowly grows. Then he climbs back up the bed and wraps me up in his arms. Together we look out the windows, across the little courtyard, toward a room that will soon contain our most exciting and precious adventure yet.

“It’s perfect, Clara,” Thomas whispers, resting his cheek on my head. “Thank you.”

I turn in his embrace, beaming up at him. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” I say, placing a hand over my stomach.

Thomas’s smile is broad, and true, and stunning. “It was my pleasure.”

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