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Long minutes go by before I even realize I’m sitting here, with my cheek propped up on my hand, crease between my brows as I stare at that picture. All thoughts of work flown from my mind.

I save that picture to my favorites folder and skip ahead to a less personal picture. I make a post on my business profile, smirking to myself as I type out the caption:

Thirst Post Ahead! POV: You’d trade your 401k to be that puppy. #SterlingSilver #MenWithPups.

Before I can change my mind, I hit post and continue reviewing the content schedule for the month. The low door chime sounds as someone comes in through the front. My daughter’s little voice says, “Hi, Nathan!”

My throat tightens.

What is he doing here?

I spring up from my desk and poke my head into the lobby. “Nathan? You could’ve called first.”

Both Nathan and Evan stroll in. “We’re going shopping… remember?” says Nathan. “Grab your keys. Evan drove so he can watch Rory. They are playing hooky from school today—take that Kelsey Peters.” He winks at Rory.

My eyes narrow. Why did they show up together? And why is Nathan staring at Rory, head tilted like a cat sizing up a stranger?

Evan gives a silent wave. He was clearly coerced into this. I shoot him a questioning look and he shrugs and points at Nathan’s back.

“Fine. I’ll get my purse,” I say reluctantly, certain I'm going to regret this.

Nathan holds up Rory’s backpack. “By the way, Rory left this in my car.”

“Oh, thanks,” I say. “I could’ve just grabbed it from you Monday.”

“I was already headed here.” He pulls a flier from the outside pocket. “This fell out in my car… looks like someone’s soccer team made the youth Championship!” He high-fives my daughter. “But, this flier says you’re doing a fundraiser so you can go to the tournament?”

Rory nods, already grinning. “Yeah, we’re voting on what we are doing. Kelsey wants to have a carwash." She rolls her eyes like carwashes are the least cool thing she can imagine.

“You don’t say,” says Nathan. He turns big puppy eyes to me. “Isn’t that interesting, Iz?”

My eyes narrow, unsure where he’s going with this. “Isn’t what interesting…?”

“Well, I happen to know someone in search of a community outreach project. A pro football star, sponsoring a junior girls’ soccer team--the headlines write themselves.”

“Absolutely not,” I say.

“Why not?” He asks. “We can sponsor them. The Cowboys! We could even do some kind of event at the stadium for the kids. Track and field day or something. It’s perfect.”

Rory is at this point jumping up and down. “Please, mommy? Kelsey would be so jealous.”

With a sigh, I crouch down to face my daughter. “Honey, that’s not a nice attitude.”

She pouts at me, then turns the pleading look to the men. “What I meant to say was if Nathan brought his team to my school, Kelsey would be so impressed.”

My daughter is too smart for her own good. Wonder who she gets that from? I want to refuse outright, but I can’t refuse my daughter’s pleading face. “I’ll think about it, okay?”

“Yay!” Rory says as though I’ve already agreed. Let’s be honest, I probably will.

“Shall we?” Nathan winks at Rory and holds the door for me.

I turn to my brother. “I’ll pick Rory up around dinner?”

He waves a dismissive hand. “I’ll bring her by your place later. Just text me.”

Geez, I’ve gone several years practically pulling teeth to get him to babysit… and all Nathan has to do is show up and Evan is volunteering? That doesn’t seem very fair, but I’m not going to complain now.

Nathan holds the car door for me as well, which is ringing all kinds of alarm bells. I climb into the passenger side of my own Jeep, handing him the keys before he shuts me in and jogs around to his side.

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