Page 45 of One Bossy Night

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At my words, he gave me the most furious and angry look I had ever seen on his face. It seemed even worse than the way he had looked at Felix, and it was more than enough for me to keep my mouth shut.

A small crowd was gathering, and in their midst were two of the officials we had been having lunch with. I couldn’t believe it. He left me there, and then he left the clubhouse. I couldn’t follow. I couldn’t be in the same car with him; I was sure he wasn’t going to wait for me, so, I returned to grab my things and then left the clubhouse altogether.

I didn’t want to go to the hotel at first, but then I realized and recalled that we weren’t in the same room. Though it was side by side, he did have his own room, and I had mine, so I could stay there comfortably without being scared that I would run into him.

How the hell had things escalated so badly? I couldn’t believe it. It took a while for me to get myself together, but soon enough, I was able to grab a taxi, and he took me back to the hotel.

When I arrived, the corridor was deadly quiet, as well as his room. There were no sounds coming from it.

I wondered if he had even returned to his room or if he was still somewhere within the hotel. It didn't matter. All that did was that I was hidden away where I couldn't run into him. After heading into the room, I locked the door, which was completely fruitless because I was sure the door connecting to his room was open. Yet I couldn't dare lock it because he was sure to hear it, and that in itself was another huge drop of blood in the well of contention that was now between us. I couldn't believe just half an hour earlier we had been all over each other, and now I was more or less hiding from him. Without even bothering to take off my clothes, I got into bed and tried to think of where exactly I had gone wrong.

I knew he was angry with me because of the way I had interfered, because of the way I had tried to cower and diffuse the situation. But what else had he expected me to do? Fan the flames? Felix, that asshole, was absolutely right. I was nothing but his secretary. And so, I had to act like one, but instead, I had caused such significant damage to his business operations.

Knowing him, I knew that was unforgivable. He never let anything, or anyone come in between his work, and I would be no exception whatsoever.

Sure, he was furious right now on my behalf, but would the same be the case later on? Would he even care? All he would see when he looked at me was the woman who had made him lose a huge deal. And that was something that Hunter would never find acceptable when he came back to his senses.

This, unfortunately, and despite how worried I was, was one of those things where there was no immediate solution. We both had to calm down, and we both had to come to our senses and resolve this logically. He, as well, had to recall that I was nothing to him but his secretary and the woman he slept with. He couldn't mess up his business relations for me, no matter what.

Sighing, I shut my eyes and tried to get to sleep. My current way of thinking was the truth, but it didn’t change the fact that it was incredibly painful. But I was okay with approaching things this way because to me, he wasn’t just my boss and the man I slept with. He was someone that I cared incredibly deeply about, and I didn’t want, as a result, to negatively influence the thing that he cared deeply about.

Chapter Thirty-One



At the overly excited call, I pulled the phone away from my ear.

“Piper,” I called, and I could hear the smile. I also heard the noise of kids running around and felt so exhausted. I always loved her family and of course my nieces, but I couldn't truly fathom how she was able to handle so much activity around her all the time.

“What's up?” she asked. “You're still in Thailand, right? Don't tell me you're back already. I told you to take this as a vacation for once. Geez, you need it!”

“I took it!” I told her. “I'm calling you because I took this as a vacation, and so I have the time. Get it?”

“Ah,” she laughed. “You're right. You're right. How is it?”

I heard a male voice call from somewhere in the distance, and she promptly responded. “Hunter.”

“Oh,” came the response, and a second later, my brother-in-law's voice came on the line.

“Hunter!” he greeted. “The man! What's up? How's Thailand going?”

“It's good, it's great,” I replied. “Beautiful country.”

“Fucking gorgeous!” he exclaimed. “I backpacked across Asia after I graduated college.”

This made me laugh because he was obviously about to dig his own grave.

“You mean the year you and my sister were broken up.”

“Shhh,” he said. “Don't mention that. I had fun, though. She thinks I was heartbroken and wallowing in a basement somewhere. I mean, I was, but I was wallowing in Thailand the best way that a guy should at that age, if you know what I mean.”

I chuckled, but then he stopped.

“Wait, do you know what I mean?”

“Please give Piper the phone,” I said, and he laughed.

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