Page 38 of One Bossy Night

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I wrote down on my notepad as I thought.

“I need to arrange an emergency meeting with the boss and the senior management. I'll contact Grey in legal and Cullen in Public Relations to join as well. Has the breach been leaked? I’m wondering if we’ll have to contact the shareholders as well.”

“Not now,” she replied. “Just make sure that Hunter is able to attend the emergency meeting now without it messing up his schedule too much. And of course, whatever materials we need, you can arrange before Stephen and whatever we send and hand it over to him.”

“Alright, got it,” I said, and the call came to an end. I immediately set up a real-time crisis management dashboard and sent Hunter the link as well as to the other members of senior management so that they could include notes to be shared by everyone and so that they can also track updates and news and actions in progress or to be completed.

Thankfully, Marcus picked up, and I was able to liaise with the cybersecurity and IT teams as well to join the dashboard so that their updates would be included. This was all I could do now until the meeting began in twenty minutes, and so I took the moment needed to take a breath. I was still in a robe, my hair was a mess, and we had a conference call in a few minutes.

So, grimacing, I got up and headed over to the bathroom. After finding a hair tie, I pulled my hair back, put on some clothes, and then changed into an oversized dress shirt and shorts. Afterwards, I took my laptop with me, and I couldn’t believe how nervous I felt to knock on Hunter's door.

“Come in,” he called out, and I met him once again dressed in the shirt from earlier, though it was still completely unbuttoned. I wanted to lick across his glistening skin. He was so fucking gorgeous; my mind couldn’t contemplate it, especially in this moment when his very existence seemed so effortless and even exciting.

He appeared completely calm and was instead running some tests on his computer. I watched the numbers as they scrolled through his system and couldn’t help but notice the frown that was now on his face. He was no longer in as good of a mood as he had been earlier and was now instead focused on resolving this issue.

I headed over and hesitated even taking the seat before him. This was working time, and there was no room for familiarity as we had agreed, so I stood until he offered me a seat.

“Sir, the meeting is in ten minutes. You’ve opened the board, I see?”

“Hmm,” he replied as I watched him rapidly type a text message to the department. Suddenly, he stopped typing, and then he picked up his phone and rose to his feet. He headed over to the window, and soon enough, he was in deep conversation with IT.

No longer needing to be asked, I took my seat on the chair opposite him, and prepared for the meeting. I listened to what they had to say and couldn’t help feeling slightly relieved.

Soon enough, it was time for the meeting, so I joined the conference room, and after confirming that everyone was present and had been able to join, I called him over.


“I’ll be right there,” he replied.

He finished his call, and a few seconds later he came over and took his seat in front of his laptop. The meeting soon started, and we were all put in crisis aversion mode.

Half an hour later, more than half the attendees had been kicked out after being given instructions to handle things that needed to be immediately. The rest had reports to be given to Hunter later on, so I took note of all imminent milestones and deadlines. Finally, the meeting came to an end.

Afterward, his attention returned to his laptop while I, on the other hand, focused on adjusting his schedule for the entire day. He was so focused that even after more than half an hour had passed, he was still solely focused on resolving the issue. I watched him and felt as though we had been transported back to New York. This was the Hunter I had fallen in love with. Unlike any other man that I had ever met, he could remain in this position for the several hours and not even bother moving from where he was.

He kept working while I tried to stay awake, but eventually, even with the chill of the room and the extreme silence, I couldn’t help but lean into the chair and fall asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Five


It was nearly an hour later before I looked up, and the moment I did, it was almost amusing to see that she was asleep. I was exhausted, though, and I was sure she was as well, so I rose to my feet and took her laptop from her. It was mere seconds away from crashing onto the carpet, and that in itself was another set of problems waiting to happen. As soon as I touched her, however, she was instantly startled awake. Her eyes met mine, huge and startled, and as it registered that I was there, she instantly got up and nearly hit my head. I had anticipated it, so I had ducked just in time.

“I’m so sorry, Sir,” she said. “Um, I fell asleep. Sorry. What’s happening? I, uh, I had some questions to ask you.”

She quickly reached down for her notepad, and then without even pausing to take a breath, she immediately went through her notes.

“Most importantly, I wanted to ask if you want your schedule cleared tomorrow so you can focus on this situation.”

“Don’t we have the golf game tomorrow? With the government officials?”

“We do, Sir,” she replied. I began to stop once again and for a moment, she was distracted as her eyes went to my body. I, on the other hand, focused solely on her face.

“Who exactly are the officials I will be meeting with? Were you able to identify them?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied. “I just checked now, and the first one is Mr. Somchai Preechawong, who is the Minister of Energy Development, and Mr. Supaporn Liangprasert, who is the Director of Renewable Energy Division.”

“Alright, well, I definitely can’t cancel that, so I’ll just have to depend on you to be up to date on the situation in New York. If they need me urgently, then you can, of course, come pull me away. My hope is that all will be resolved by morning.”

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