Page 34 of One Bossy Night

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Smiling at my nervous self, he kissed me once again and it melted away.

“How do you want me to take you?” he asked, and my heart nearly stopped in my chest.

At first, I was sure he was teasing, but when I saw the intensity in his eyes and remembered who he was... remembered how he handled his life and affairs with such precision and intention, I realized that he meant every word.

“Like last night,” I said, remembering just how hard I’d come, how hungry he’d been for my sex. I hadn’t been able to get the memory out of my head or down below either. My clit was pulsing, needing the heat of his mouth, hungry as the previous day.

“You want me to eat you out?” he asked, and I nodded, unbelieving that this was my boss. That this was Hunter fucking Swift.

“Alright,” he said, “but you’ll have to do something for me first now, won’t you?”

“Anything,” I replied, much too eagerly. It was too late to catch myself, but I did try to reduce my embarrassment, though I was sure this was fruitless.

Smiling, he nodded his chin towards the bed, and then he escorted me to the bed, helping me sit then I watched as he took his seat beside me.

“Last night, you mentioned wanting me for so long,” he said. “Can you show me?”

At first, I was sure I hadn’t heard what he said about my wanting him for so long and when I confirmed that he wasn’t going to repeat himself, I truly had to consider if I wanted to do this, if I wanted to go this far.

One more second of additional thought, and I grabbed the waistband of my pajama pants and pulled it down my thighs. It puddled around my feet, leaving me in the dark lacy panties I had donned earlier.

His gaze shamelessly went down my body, taking in every inch of my skin. Even though I knew he had already seen it all, this time felt different. I was fully aware and conscious, and the torture was immaculate. I could read in his eyes that he really liked what he saw, and this brought an indescribable thrill to me.

"Slide back on the bed," he said, and I didn’t need to be asked twice. I did as he asked until I couldn’t go any further. I knew what he wanted.

"Show me," he repeated.

This time around, I had the perfect truthful excuse.

“I don't have the right equipment here,” I said.

It took him a while to process this, and when he eventually did, he threw back his head and laughed. It made my heart dance. When he looked at me again, there was a certain sparkle in his eyes.

"That was only half the truth, wasn't it?" he asked. "I mean, you could always use your hands. But I am curious..."

He rose to his feet and came over to me.

"What exactly is this equipment you speak of?" He pulled his shirt off and tossed it away.

"Can you show me?"

My gaze went down to the already prominent and very obvious bulge in his pants.

"Yes, I can," I replied.

He stood before me, and my hands flattened against the hard ridges of his abdomen. I couldn't help but feel him up. I couldn't believe that he had given me free rein and access to him, and I didn't waste it.

"Show me," he repeated, and I complied. I unbuttoned his slacks, pulled the zipper down, and soon enough, he was in nothing but his briefs. I mouthed him through the cotton fabric, and then with my hands on the band, I pulled his briefs down to reveal his gorgeous, erect length.

I had thought about it over and over in my memories, and it had been fuzzy at best. But now, seeing it once again in its full glory, my throat slightly closed up, fighting a choke. He was huge in girth, pink, and perfect. I looked at him and shook my head.

"What?" he asked.

"Sometimes I think the universe is very unfair," I said. "You're you, and you have this?"

He was amused. "Maybe I'm me because I have this. Have to match the outside with the inside, don't I?"

Now it was my turn to laugh out loud. He was so ridiculously funny, and having a sense of humor like this was not something I had expected from someone who had always been so stiff.

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