Page 21 of One Bossy Night

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“Sir?” I asked as he pushed his bowl aside and picked his phone off the table.

“Yes?” he replied.

“Last night…”

I watched him go still.

“Last night, the Swedish investor-”


“He was - I'm sure he was deliberately trying to intoxicate me. He kept forcing me to drink. Why didn’t you stop him?”

I met his eyes then, however, my confidence soon faltered.

“I mean, it's not your job to protect me or anything; it's just-”

“No,” he replied, and I was surprised.


“It is my job to protect you, and I was sure that I was going to.”

Fear instantaneously struck my heart as I couldn’t quite decipher exactly what he was saying. So, he hadn’t protected me? Did that mean-?

“I wanted to see how you’d be when you weren’t completely in control,” he replied. “Yesterday was quite interesting, and I… I was curious about the other side of you. The other side that wasn’t so prim and proper all the time. I didn’t know, though, that he was doing that because he was interested in you. I just thought he was nervous and being overly hospitable.”

I shut my eyes then as my arms around his shoulder came to mind at the recollection of his shoulder. I was a bit unstable, but he had more or less told the man to fuck off. And then he had taken me down to the elevators and back to his room. I recalled him stripping off his pants, sitting on the bed, and then sucking him off… that had happened on the chair by the window.

“There was a disconnect.”

“I need to know the rest of what happened,” I said. I trusted that it would come, but I was becoming restless. I truly needed to know now, or I was going to lose my mind.

“I, uh- I hope I didn’t do anything too inappropriate last night. For?” I asked. “If I did, I truly apologize. It wasn’t my true intention.”

He stared at me, and then he rose to his feet without a further word. I grabbed my briefcase then and hurried after him.

In the car, I stared out the window at the beautiful but unfamiliar city as we drove past. The conference center was about twenty minutes away, so it would take a while for us to get there, and I couldn’t stand the silence. So, I pulled out my phone and texted Emma.

My prayer was that she would be awake so that she could keep me company. I really needed it right now... something familiar to ground me to reality, and she was it. So, I sent the message.


A whole five minutes passed before she replied, and I was so upset that I almost didn’t reply to her.

“What's up? Was your night as magical as I expected?”

“I woke up hungover and naked,” I wrote back.

“Wait, what?” she replied. “Is that in a bad way or a good way?”

I glanced at the man beside me. “I'm not sure, either.”

“Oh my God,” she said. “I mean, I was going to tell you not to miss the chance and to take this whole holiday you two are on to make him notice you, but it seems you’re doing a whole lot better than I had expected.”

I instantly frowned.

“I'm not trying to get him to notice me, what the hell are you saying?”

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