Page 18 of One Bossy Night

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Afterwards, I got up and collapsed by her side. I laid flat on the bed and tried to catch my breath. For a moment, I wondered if I was drunk as well because I felt like I was. I shut my eyes; however, before I could drift off to sleep, she turned and draped her legs on my body. I couldn’t help but go completely still, especially as she buried her face in the crook of my neck and kissed above my pulse.

“Thank you,” she said and fell asleep.

This time around, and thankfully, she didn’t wake up.

Chapter Ten


Iwoke up completely naked.

This was unusual for me because I would never go to sleep naked. When it was too hot and I didn’t want to run the air conditioner, I would take my tank or t-shirt off but never my underwear. Little else made me feel as vulnerable.

“Ow…” My hand went to my forehead as it occurred to me that there was more that was unusual. I had a splitting headache and all sorts of strange funky tastes in my mouth. What the hell had happened? I opened my eyes, and the sunlight nearly killed me. Instead, I turned away from the window and was at least consoled that I was underneath warm, white, and very clean sheets. I tried to comprehend all that had happened and where I currently was and why I felt like death. Only a few minutes passed before my eyes flew open.

A few images flashed through my head, but they didn’t make sense. I had given someone a blowjob. That was impossible. But as I allowed my mind to continue its patchy attempt at recollection, the strange taste in my mouth began to make some sort of sense. I sat up then, as my heart began to thump in my chest.

“Ow,” I complained again at the throbbing pain. However, before I could even say anything else, the alarm went off.

“Fuck!” I cursed. I tried to search for my phone; however, it was nowhere close. It wasn’t in the sheets; it wasn’t on the nightstand. I pushed my hair out of my eyes and looked around the room.

I knew where I was. I was in Thailand with my boss, Mr. Swift. We’d had the dinner thing in the Japanese restaurant.

I’d worn the dress. It had been an amazing dress, and so I should feel confident… I should feel good right now, but I felt like absolute shit. Absolute shit that my ringing alarm was soon going to send me into an asylum.

I scrambled to my feet then, dragging the much too heavy blanket with me as I had the good sense at least to search for my purse. It didn’t take long because on the shelf right in front of the TV, there it was.

I rummaged through it, found the lit-up phone, but couldn’t for the life of me remember my password. I tried face recognition one more time, failed it, and then tried to think. However, as I did, more images from the previous night came to mind. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Unfortunately for my phone, however, it fell from my hands and landed on the floor. It was carpet, so I wasn’t worried. And even if it wasn’t, and the overpriced iPhone had shattered into a thousand pieces, I wouldn’t have given a damn because what I had just recalled was mortifying. In fact, it was so mortifying that I was sure it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.


How could it be that I had… said the most obscene things to Hunter? I couldn’t even think them out loud when I had been in my right mind, but now… It replayed as clear as day, a brief moment in time and then it was interrupted by the phone ringing once again.

I picked it up to check the time, and it was just as I had set it for 7:30 a.m. All the reminders for the day were already waiting as well, and at the top of it and most important was the conference starting at 10 a.m. There was also breakfast which was at 8 a.m. and –

Holy freaking shit, I had a breakfast meeting with my boss in thirty minutes. The breakfast buffet the hotel offered ended at 9:30 a.m., and so we had decided to meet there ahead of time to get some food in and head over to the venue for the conference and his speech.

Once again, I threw the phone aside and hurried over to the bathroom; however, I was so fuzzy and unstable that I staggered and nearly fell. The wall saved me, however what I couldn’t understand in that moment was why I was rushing when I had set my alarm for that time.

It took a great deal of suffering to recall, but I had to because it seemed as though I was losing my mind. Soon enough, the answer came. I always showered the night before so that when morning came, I was practically ready to just jump out of bed and go. I didn’t wear makeup… didn’t take particular care with my hair and outfit. It was always the same boring dreary suits to discourage his interest, I wore every day, with sometimes just a change in the dinner wear. No one noticed anyway, especially not him, so I’d never needed to try.

“You still don’t need to try now, you moron,” I muttered under my breath, but even my jaw ached. The image of literally sucking someone’s dick came to mind once again, and I was so terrified. Whose was it - it couldn’t be… it couldn’t be my boss, could it?

“Why the hell had I drunk so much?” I lamented as I finally made it to the bathroom.

It was a mess, and it drove me wild since I couldn’t stand bathrooms and kitchens being a mess. Every other place was ignorable, but not these two. In my hurry and desperation to get ready and look as beautiful as was possible the previous day, I had spent at least more than an hour on my makeup. It still looked minimal and effortless, at least that was what I had hoped, and apparently it had worked since I had ended up on my knees sucking someone off.

I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to call Emma so that she could assure me that it was a bad dream, but I had woken up naked. I still didn’t want to know the explanation for that, but I was sure that sooner or later, it would come to me.

I started brushing my teeth but couldn’t quite look at myself in the mirror. Only after I was done did I look to see the state of my hair. When I, however, saw the mess my eye makeup was, I nearly fainted once again. My mascara and eyeliner were smudged all over the place, lipstick stained my chin, and my lips slightly swollen. I looked like a crack whore. What exactly had happened the previous night? I had a feeling that my boss was completely aware since I had made it to my bed at least. Perhaps he had helped me take my clothes off? I nearly screamed. Everything inside of me did shrivel up, however.

“That couldn’t be the case,” I shook my head as I headed over to the shower stall. “That was impossible. He would never do that.”

After adjusting the temperature, I turned the water on and tried to wash away all of my bad decisions from the previous night. From wearing my dress and letting that Swedish asshole get me drunk. But more importantly, I was angry with Hunter for letting him. He was too smart not to have noticed what he was doing, and now I couldn’t help feeling betrayed.

I also couldn’t help the stark realization that I had remembered all of these. This was new information, and so I felt relieved that the memory coming in fragments wasn’t at least gone forever. Okay, I do remember this part. The Swedish asshole had gotten me drunk, and Mr. Swift had allowed it. Ass. The ass I needed to meet now in twenty minutes or else I was fired. Given all that I was slowly recalling from the previous night, however, I wasn't sure I would be surprised if I was fired. Ten minutes later, I was truly out of time. I was his secretary, and something like tardiness he couldn’t contain, so I turned the last ten minutes into a game show and got dressed at the speed of light.

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