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See you soon.

I set my phone down and focus on the bar, trying to keep my excitement in check. Despite the fact that I don’t know how I feel about having Violet work here, I also know that I’m excited to see her again. I wonder what she’ll be wearing today and if it will give me as good a view of her cleavage as yesterday’s dress did.

As it gets closer to four, I find myself jerking around to see the door every time the little bell jingles. When Violet finally walks in, I feel more nervous than I’ve felt in a while. What is it about this woman that makes me feel so antsy?

Violet strides into the bar with the same confidence she had last night, her red hair catching the light and her eyes sparkling with determination. She’s dressed casually, in dark jeans and an emerald green shirt that complements her eyes. I wonder if she knows how stunning she looks in a simple shirt and jeans.

I force myself to stop gawking at her and swipe at the counter in an attempt to look busy as she approaches the other side of it.

"Hey, Jay," she greets me with a warm smile.

"Hey, Violet. Glad you could make it. Let’s talk about the job.” I motion for her to join me behind the bar.

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel the tiniest bit awkward as Violet pushes through the half-door in the side of the bar and comes to stand next to me. Is she thinking about how she begged me to make her come? Is she thinking about how she gripped the table so hard her knuckles turned white as her back arched?

Harold winks at me, but I ignore his matchmaking attempts.

I tap Candy, one of the cocktail waitresses on the arm. “Take over the bar area for a few minutes. I’m going to be busy.” Candy glances at Violet, then at me like she wants to ask what I’m going to be doing to keep myself so busy, but she just nods and accepts her temporary role behind the bar.

Violet follows me wordlessly, and I start by giving her a brief tour of The Rusty Oak. "So, this is the main bar area. We get a pretty mixed crowd, especially on weekends. Over there are the private tables, and we also have a small stage for live music."

Violet’s eyes sparkle as she says, "I do have eyes, you know. Do you want to point out the bathrooms too?"

“Well, I don’t need you complaining to the Bureau of Labor that I don’t have proper facilities.” I point dramatically in the direction of the bathrooms. “Bathrooms.”

Violet laughs, and I love the way she covers her nose and mouth as though it would hold her laughter back.

"Now, if you’re ready to really get started, let’s go over what the job would entail."

I walk her through the various tasks—taking orders, mixing drinks, handling the register, and making sure the customers are happy. We go back into the kitchen, and I briefly show her how to work the different appliances.

Violet listens intently, asking questions here and there, and I can see she’s genuinely interested. That makes me feel better about the whole situation.

Finally, I lean against the bar, only one seat down from where Violet was sitting last night. If Violet is really going to work here, then I’m going to have to control where my mind goes every time I look at her. I allow myself one more jog down memory lane as I remember kissing Violet across the bar.

"So, how do you feel about all this?" I ask.

"I feel good. I can handle it. I’ve worked in bars before, and I know my way around a busy night."

"That’s good to hear. We’re a pretty tight-knit team here, so I need to make sure you’re up for it."

She steps closer, her expression serious. "I’m up for it, Jay. I can do this." There are only a few inches of space between us now, and all I want is to close the space with a kiss, my hands on Violet’s hips, but… I can’t.

Last night, she was flirting and practically begging me to kiss her. Today is a different story. She is serious and focused on the job. I have to respect that.

I nod, appreciating her confidence. “I have to ask, I don’t want it to seem like I’m prying—but, you said you were just coming into town to take care of a few things. Why get a job?”

Violet sighs and looks away. A shadow of a deeper emotion crosses over her face. “I’m going to be here for a couple of months at least. I need to have some sort of income while I’m here, and after last night… I figured maybe you could use another cocktail waitress. So, I appreciate you giving me a chance. When should I start?”

I want to ask Violet more questions about the emotion I briefly saw on her face, about why she needs to be here, but everyone deserves their privacy. I let it go.

“Friday night? Can you work five ‘til close?”

“Sure, I’ll see you then.”

We both stand there for another moment. I’m not ready for the conversation to be over, but I can tell that Violet has other things to deal with. Finally, she lifts a hand in a little wave and heads toward the front door, her red hair flapping behind her.

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