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Every single time we’ve been together, it’s been at work or it’s been at my house. This is like our first real “date.”

"I’m glad you decided to come," I say, squeezing her hand. "I know things have been tough lately, but I hope today can be a good distraction."

"It already is. You distract me from a lot of things.”

I laugh and squeeze her hand. “Oh really? How’s that?”

“Because I should be thinking about which carnival game I want to win, but instead I’m thinking about…” she glances at Charlie and Hannah to see if they are close enough to hear us. She lowers her voice before finishing what she wants to say, “...about what you’re wearing or not wearing under your bear costume.”

I see a little red in Violet’s cheeks as she admits what she’s thinking.

“How about I let you find that out for yourself?” I suggest with a smile.

Violet tosses her hair over her shoulder, trying to act like my words don’t affect her at all. But I know she’s probably getting wet… right now.

I look at Violet and say a little more loudly so my dear sister and her boyfriend can hear us. "So, what do you want to do first?"

Violet thinks for a moment. "How about we start with the haunted house? I’ve always loved a good scare."

I grin, looking mischievous. "Haunted house it is."

Hannah and Charlie, dressed as a pumpkin and a squash respectively, walk beside us. Hannah laughs. "I knew you were going to say that, Vi. You always were the brave one."

We head towards the haunted house, weaving through the bustling crowd. Not everyone, but most people, are in costumes. I don’t think anyone looks nearly as good as Violet does, though. The fox was the perfect choice to compliment her hair… and her curves.

As we reach the entrance to the haunted house, a creepy voice greets us from within. "Enter if you dare!"

I glance at Violet. She’s making a mock scared face. At least, I think it’s mock scared. Maybe it isn’t, and I should be holding her just a little closer. I squeeze her hand. "Ready?"

"Ready," she says, squeezing my hand back. Hannah and Charlie lag behind, so it falls to me to be the leader. I tug Violet inside. Despite the bright daylight outside, this building is completely dark. The windows have been taped over so that once we turn the corner, the room is completely black.

The sound of eerie music floats around us. I can feel Violet’s presence right behind me, her hand warm and steady in mine. A light suddenly pops on in front of us to illuminate a freakishly big spider. I startle, Violet squeals, and I pull her closer to me and the spider, showing her how fake it is.

“Aww, is Violet scared of some terrifying paper mâché? You’re right. They really did a terrible job making it. Their craftsmanship is downright heart-wrenching.”

Violet giggles, but I feel her inching closer toward me. “I’m glad I have a bear with me to scare away the creepy crawlies.”

I cock an eyebrow. “So where do I land in the man or bear debate?”

Violet’s eyes light up, and a breathtaking smile breaks across her face. “You. Every time.”

I smile back, not wanting to take my eyes off her, despite the atmosphere around us. “Good.” I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead, not caring if Hannah and Charlie see.

I hear them behind us, whispering about something, but they are content to let us keep the lead.

We turn up another corridor, and I hear something shuffling in the dark. I can tell an actor is about to jump out and scare us. Maybe I’m mean, but I grab Violet’s waist and pull her in front of me.

“Why don’t you lead the way? This haunted house was your idea.”

“I don’t–” But Violet doesn’t get to finish what she was trying to say.

Someone jumps out with a scary roar, and Violet leaps back into my arms, pressing her body into mine as she looks over her shoulder. Hannah screams behind us, and Charlie and I start laughing.

The actor growls at us again and swipes at us like he’s going to snatch Violet out of my arms. Getting into my role, I growl right back at him, pulling Violet away from him. He shuffles off into the darkness, and I silently thank him for being such a good wingman.

Violet snuggles into my chest. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

“There’s no going back!” Charlie calls. “Onward!”

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