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I practically run inside and almost bump into Violet’s mom. She’s sitting in the living room with a book on her lap, but her crutches are extended across the floor, nearly causing me to trip. I jump over them and run upstairs to grab my wallet and keys.

When I come back down, Caroline is watching me.

“You really care about her, don’t you?” she asks.

I pause, unsure how to respond. “Yes, I do,” I admit.

Caroline doesn’t say anything, but I can feel her eyes on me. That’s when I realize that she’s right. I do care about Violet. A lot. Everything I learned today just made it clearer how much I like Violet, not just for the way she can turn me on physically but for who she is as a person too.



I’m standing in the middle of Hannah’s apartment, surrounded by an assortment of art supplies and half-finished crafts for the fall festival booth.

Hannah has been working on this project for a couple of weeks now, and the deadline is fast approaching. I’ve been helping when I can, but I feel bad because I work nights, which is when Hannah is off. When I’m off during the day, she’s working. It’s hard for us to find the time to see each other, let alone work on the booth.

Hannah sits across from me, meticulously painting the edges of a wooden sign. “We have almost two weeks until the fall festival,” she says, her focus never wavering from her work. “I want everything finished a few days before though.”

I nod. I’m not very artistic, and I feel like even though I do make contributions, they don’t measure up to the ones Hannah is making. I’ve been feeling off for a few days now, just kind of a sick uneasiness in my stomach. I hope I’m not coming down with the flu.

Hannah glances up at me, frowning. “You okay, Vi? You’re quiet today.”

“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” I don’t want to tell Hannah that I’m feeling some flu symptoms. She’ll rush me to bed and force me to drink liquids and wear a mask. And I don’t really think I’m sick. Maybe it’s just stress. Dealing with my mother’s insurance company has been a pain in my ass.

She gives me a sympathetic look. “I get it. It’s been a crazy few weeks. And then you’re helping me with this project whenever you can.”

I nod again, focusing on painting the small pumpkins we’ve been using to decorate our booth. The repetitive motion is soothing, but I can’t ignore the slight wave of weakness that hits me. I take a deep breath and let it out, and then, I feel back to normal.

Still, I set down my paintbrush and stand up, heading to the kitchen to get water. Hannah glances up, sees what I’m doing, and continues to talk. “There’s going to be a booth there from the new donut place. They don’t officially open until November, but they’re going to be representing, and I’ve heard they’re going to have a pumpkin spice donut. You like pumpkin spice right?”

I take a few sips of water and instantly feel better. I gulp down the rest of the glass before answering. “Yeah, I’m pretty into pumpkins.”

“I thought I remembered that, but you know people can change throughout the years. How’s your mom doing?”

“She’s good.” I’m getting whiplash from the way Hannah changes topics so quickly. I elaborate a little. “She’s been using the crutches more. I think the move and then–”

“Move?” Hannah asks. “Where did you move to?”

“I…” I don’t know how to admit that I’m not only sleeping with her brother now, but living with him. It’s not as romantic as it seems. We still sleep in our own bedrooms, but… I wonder if that will last much longer. Every time I have sex with him, I just want to curl up and fall asleep in his arms.

Hannah stops her painting to study me, and I realize there is no getting around the truth. “Well, after you said we couldn’t stay here, and I get it, your place isn’t big. Well… I asked Jay.”

“What?” Hannah hops up and bounces over to me, her eyes wide. “Violet! Tell me you’re not living with him!”

“I’m… not living with him like that,” I reply, avoiding eye contact as I fill the glass with more water.

“Well then, explain exactly how you’re living with him.” Hannah crosses her hands over her chest and waits for an answer.

“I mean, we all have our own bedrooms.”

“And you’re staying on completely opposite floors.”

I frown. “Well, he gave my mom his bedroom so she doesn’t have to go up and down the stairs.”

“So you’re upstairs sharing a bathroom.” Hannah knows the layout of her brother’s house well, and there’s no way I can get around it.

“Yes, but it’s not a big deal.”

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