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I slide the green “answer” button up and press my phone to my ear, stopping just under the eaves of the building but not entering.

“Hey, you’re safe?” I ask.

“Um, yeah, my mom and I are fine. She said you came by and talked to her earlier.”

I sense hesitation in Violet’s voice. She didn’t call just to tell me she was fine, did she? “Yeah, I went looking for you. Hannah was worried. She said you usually always answer your phone.”

“Yeah… I do. Listen, I’m actually calling to ask a favor.”

I put one hand on my hip while I continue to press my phone to my ear with the other one. “Yeah?”

“And you can totally say no, but I don’t know who else to ask. Well, actually, I asked Hannah, but it wouldn’t work for a number of reasons. And so…”

“What’s the favor?”

“My mom and I need a place to stay. The storm took out part of the roof. There’s some flooding, and… neither one of us has the money for a hotel until insurance kicks in. And?—”

“It’s fine. Yes, Violet, you can stay at my place. I have space. Look…” I glance up and down the street, checking out the debris. “If you feel comfortable, why don’t you drive over to my place? You can take a look at it, see what you think.”

“O-okay, thanks. I mean, yes, that’d be great.”

I give Violet my address, and she promises to come right over.

Instead of going inside, I stride back to my car.

I open the front door, and Violet is standing on the other side. I look behind her. “Where’s your mom? I thought you’d bring her with you.”

“She wanted to pack up some things. I told her I would help her, but I think she is tired of letting me help her with everything.” Violet throws her hands up in the air in a show of giving up. “Anyway, there’s only so much I can do.”

I step back and motion to the house. “Take a look around, then I can show you the bedroom.”

Violet steps inside. Her first couple of steps are timid, but then, it’s like she gains back her confidence and strides into the kitchen, running a hand along the mostly clean countertop.

“Cute place. You don’t have any roommates around the corner, do you?” she asks, turning to look back at me.

“Why? Because you don’t want us to be interrupted?” I approach Violet.

Despite the craziness from today or maybe because of it, I can’t help but feel relieved to see Violet here, in the flesh, clearly unharmed despite what happened to her mom’s house.

Violet raises an eyebrow at me, studying my eyes closely before she looks away. She runs her tongue over her teeth, and keeping her eyes averted, apologizes. “Sorry about how our conversation this afternoon went. I’m not making excuses, but I’m under a lot of stress. Either way, I should have handled things more maturely.”

I don’t want Violet to grovel too much. Even though her reaction didn’t make sense to me at the time, I understand it a little more now.

“I get it. And I don’t hold it against you. I want you to just forget about it. Move on, because I am.”

I take another step closer to Violet, and I reach for her hips. “I also know a really good way of relieving stress. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it or not, but I can show you.”

Violet looks at where my hands are resting on her hips, and I move slowly so that she can tell me to stop at any time she wants.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind if you did.” Violet finally looks me in the eyes again, and I know that she’s giving me permission to touch her and make her forget about what adult life is like sometimes.

An urge fills me to grab her and pull her against me, to make myself come as quickly as possible, but I want to relieve stress for Violet, not just myself. I want to make her feel good.

I lean forward and capture Violet’s mouth with my own. We kiss and kiss and kiss until I can feel my dick starting to throb. I want more. I want all of her. I can’t keep my hands still any longer, and I let them start to roam, to caress Violet’s body.

Violet lets her head fall back, and she closes her eyes, just soaking in my touch.

I slowly run my lips along her neck, kissing her gently as my hands worm their way between her shirt and her back.

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