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"Look, I know things between us have been... complicated. But if you need anything, I’m here. Just let me know. We can be real friends, you know.”

She nods, her eyes filling with tears. "Thank you. It’s been really hard, and I’m trying to hold it all together."

"You’re doing a great job, but you don’t have to do it alone." I pull Violet into a hug, and it feels right having her pressed against me. She lays her head on my shoulder and takes a couple of deep breaths. As she stands there, her arms wrapped around me, I think this is what I want. I want Violet, forever, every day.

But I don’t think she wants me in the same way.

She pulls back and swipes at her tears again. “I think my mom is going to get discharged tomorrow,” she says, glancing at the nurse’s station. It’s hard to tell if she’s avoiding my eyes or just being aware of her surroundings.

"I’ll come by tomorrow and pick you both up. You shouldn’t have to worry about transportation."

“I have my car. I can take her.”

“Well, why don’t I come by your house later then with some more food?”

Violet laughs. “I won’t say no to more food.”

I want to kiss her, but that would be assuming a lot. I don’t want to put her in an awkward position, so I just take a step back inside. “Tell your mom I said goodnight. I should get back to the bar now.”

Violet lifts her hand in a tiny wave, then I turn and head down the hallway in the direction of the elevator. I am definitely falling for Violet, and I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to stop myself.



Jay shows up at my mom’s house the next day just like he promised.

I’ve gotten my mom settled onto the couch, and she’s watching TV. She is just happy that she has access to streaming services and her British dramas again, not the daytime soaps that the hospital was playing.

With the remote in her hand, she starts to drift off, a side effect of all the medication she’s currently on.

Just as I’ve decided to creep out of the living room and grab my phone, I hear a knock on the front door.

I scurry over to answer it as quickly as I can, hoping he won’t knock again.

Jay is smiling, and he’s holding another large paper bag of food. My mouth waters from the savory smell, but I don’t want to dig in yet. I should wait for my mom to wake up.

“I need to head to the bar in an hour, but I thought I would drop by for a quick visit,” Jay says.

I take the bag from his hand and deposit it on the kitchen counter, nodding for him to come in as I do. He follows me in, eyes scanning the open kitchen and living room area. His eyes fall on my sleeping mom, and he turns back to me.

I nod, motioning for him to come down the hall to my room so we can talk. Even though today isn’t as cold as some of the recent days have been, there is a strong wind that makes sitting outside miserable.

I stop in the doorway to my room, pushing it open slowly as I check for anything that’s too messy or embarrassing. Jay steps on the back of my foot. He immediately backs up and squeezes my arm with a quiet “sorry” right in my ear. His warm breath on my neck makes me shiver as I realize that I’m inviting this incredibly sexy man into my room.

Holy shit, it’s my teenage dream.

Once I determine that my room isn’t too messy, I step inside and motion for Jay to come in too. Then, I shut my door quietly after myself.

Jay surveys my room, and I can feel the silent judgment oozing from him. The bulletin board full of pictures and random mementos, the plushies, and—oh god—the shirtless Chris Evans poster.

“Please note that I decorated this place when I was fourteen. Nothing has really changed since then.”

Jay lifts his hands in a show of innocence. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You don’t have to say something for it to be obvious what you’re thinking.” I elbow him in the ribs. Jay looks around again, and I think I might detect a little bit of insecurity as he decides where to sit. I flop back onto the full-sized bed and motion for Jay to sit on the mattress as well.

He perches on the end, looking at me between strands of his long, black hair. He finally brushes his hair back from his face until I can see him clearly.

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