Page 95 of Breaking the Girl

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We’ll make it through. As a family.

No more trail of corpses left behind us.

“No need, Dr. Hatchett. Thank you.” I whip around to watch the house, tracking the room where my heart lies. “I have this. I’m sorry Rylan called you. This is a family matter; it should’ve stayed between Rylan and me.”

“No harm done.” A smile filters into her voice. “On that note, I’m glad to hear things are working out well for you two. You deserve a healthy relationship, Marcus.”

My lips hike to the side. Healthy. I wish Leighton could hear this.

Speaking of.

“Thank you, Miranda,” I address her by her first name. “I appreciate your concern. I’ll keep you updated when I return. I’ll also reschedule. Depending on how long I’ll end up staying here.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

We end the call, and I rush to our bedroom. I unlock the door, throwing the key on the nightstand.

“I’m here, beautiful. Haven’t left you for a second.” I’m on the bed next to her, removing the cloth gag.

Her lips are warm when I kiss them, her cheeks soft as I cup them.

“I had to take care of something, but I’ve just been outside by the pool. Right here.”

The sight of her immobile and helpless has my mind racing. I want things I shouldn’t. Like losing my clothes and sinking into her pussy again. Or stretching her ass some more with my cock, teaching her how to relax for me.


“I’m going to count slowly from five to zero, Leighton.”

I’m right at her side, bathing her in warmth and a sense of security. I could snap my fingers, yet I don’t. She’s had enough shock for one day. I’m here to do everything in my power to soothe her.

“When I reach zero, you’ll be fully awake. It’ll be as though you’re levitating to me on a cloud. A soft, smooth sailing. Nothing too abrupt. Okay, baby? Blink once for yes, twice for no.”

One blink.

“Good girl.” I brush a wayward strand of her pink hair behind her ear. “Five… You’re feeling as though you’re waking from a long, peaceful slumber. Four… Sensation returns to your fingers and toes.”

From the corner of my eye, I see her flexing her fingers. The movements are small. She might try to slap me with those once she’s up. As long as she’s okay, I’ll take it.

“Good job, Leigh. Three… The air conditioner’s breeze caresses your skin.”

Leighton’s nipples pucker from below the covers at that. I smirk, stroking them reverently.

“Two… Almost there. You’re able to blink freely.” When she slams her eyes closed, I kiss each eyelid. “One… The world becomes clearer… Zero.”

I expect anger. Disappointment. Resentment.

I wait for the sick and psycho.

For her to scream at me and for us to go back to square one.

I did, after all, break her trust.

She doesn’t say a thing.

“Leighton, talk to me.” My palm lies carefully around her cheek. “Tell me you’re here.”

Her lips pinch. She’s okay. She’s here instead of being stuck somewhere.

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