Page 88 of Breaking the Girl

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She needed my cock earlier today. Now she needs me to guide her through this. I can disengage. Become an outside spectator.

“Do you not like the place you’ve been taken to?”

“I like it.” Her chest presses against the fabric of her dress when she sucks in air. “It’s nice here. A little creepy, but nice.”

Pride swells deep within me for creating a home she loves.

“You mentioned you were confused this morning. Can you pinpoint what’s troubling you?”

“So this is how it’s going to be.” A tiny sigh of frustration escapes Leighton’s lips. “All serious.”

She’s quick to recover, though, straightening her spine. I want to kiss her so fucking bad it physically hurts.

“My kidnapper.” She reciprocates my cold tone with one of her own. “He used to be this serious, hot, kind, unavailable, and freaking forbidden man. I loved everything about him.”

She’s talking in past tense, so what? She begged for my cock. The sting in my chest doesn’t last longer than a second. I allow it. Everything’s fixable.

“You’re not sure whether you still love him? Is that what’s causing your confusion?”

“No.” She plays with the hem of her dress, tugging it higher. Exposing another inch of her tanned flesh. “I haven’t stopped loving him. Thing is, he used to be more good than bad, but now…I’m not so sure. He’s changed.”

“Everyone changes. You don’t perceive the world the way you have a decade ago, a year ago, or even two weeks ago.” I tilt my head, ignoring the erection straining in my pants. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I do. I…you know what? I spent the night running it in my head.” Her voice lowers an octave. Her arms press her ample breasts together. “I’ve changed too. I still love the man who stuck a needle in my throat. The one who abducted me. The same person who bound me to a bed and threatened to put me in a trance so he could force me into submission.”

There it is. She’s aware of our situation. Aware, yet she doesn’t hate me. She’s warming up to the idea.

I scribble the word hope on my legal pad. As small as it might be. “You resent him, as well.”

She nods.

“You could be deflecting.” My suggestions aren’t guidance. They’re an exploration of her mind. “A part of you that resents your darkest desires. Is it possible you’re taking it out on another person with proclivities that remind you of yours?”

“I’ve never felt like this before,” she hisses, her seduction act dropping in a flash. “Never wanted these things you’re doing to me.”

Perfect. She might stick to her denial. Doesn’t change the fact I struck a nerve.

“Think back to a week ago.” I’m directing her to one of those nights she tiptoed her sweet ass to my doorway. “To those things you’ve done while hiding—”

Crimson red rushes up her neck and to her cheeks. “I thought I was hiding.”

“No need to apologize. No harm done.”

“To you.”

“Leighton.” I place the pad on the end table. I part my knees, place my elbows on them, and steeple my fingers. “Sexual awakening at your age is natural. More so when reciprocated. There are plenty of ways for me to humiliate you, but trust that this is not one of those. I’ve been waiting for you to fuck your hand while watching me. Your presence has filled a hole in my heart.”

“Four years, Marcus.” Leighton’s breath hitches.

When she flips her hand face up, indicating that I take it, I oblige. I cover her little palm with mine, squeezing her.

“Four summers.” Her eyebrows furl as she’s trying to make sense of it all. “I’ve been legal for four summers. And please, don’t give me the bullshit your education mattered excuse. I’m getting sick of the lies. Why haven’t you said anything?”

“That wasn’t a lie.” Simply an omission of the truth. Same as I’m about to do now. “I would’ve distracted you. You’d have spent your nights in your apartment in Texas, talking to me over the phone. You’d have spent less time studying so you could be with me. Unacceptable.”

That is, if you’d even be alive that long.

“You robbed me of my choice.” The anger in Leighton sparks the anger in me.

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