Page 59 of Breaking the Girl

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I’ll figure this out tomorrow.



Ihaven’t left Leighton in our bedroom alone again. Haven’t slept, either.

Too many fantasies to act on. Too many needs to fulfill.

My exploration of her body started as innocent. Lying at her side, watching her. Her chest rose and fell with every breath. Her light eyelashes rested on her cheeks.

I’d been there to absorb the sweet sight. To touch her. My fingers threaded through her soft damp rosy locks. My mouth traced the length of her neck, the delicate line of her jaw. I pressed my lips to hers. Softly, to not wake her up.

I’d been sweet to her in those hours she slept. I was the man she remembered. That man imagined a serene, peaceful future for her and me. One where she’d accept me without question. A thousand kids and a white picket fence. A lifetime of tender moments.

Which I couldn’t give to her. Not fully. Not when my obsession with her made me aware there was a whole other side of me.

A couple of hours after she dozed off, my eyes drifted lower. The ropes around her ankles called to me. Blood rushed to my groin at the sight of her bound and defenseless.

Every perverse desire rose to the surface. I didn’t even bother trying to fight it. I fingered her sweet cunt. Rubbed her clit the way she likes.

When Leighton came on my hand in her sleep, she sighed my name. I sighed hers when I came on her navel minutes later.

Afterwards, it was clear enough that sleep wasn’t in the cards for me.

I got out of bed. From dusk until now, this afternoon, I jogged outside, worked out. Put on a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. Fixed our meals for the next day. Searched Leighton’s name online for any missing person’s reports.

There were none.

I’ve been lying in bed beside her for hours since, reading and watching over her.

The sun begins to set in the sky. I hover over Leighton who’s sleeping peacefully, albeit tied up. Earthy tones and the last lights of the day paint her face in golden hues. I’m satisfied.

Only I’m not.

Something’s nagging at me.

Leighton will require nutrition, and soon. Food and water that I have set for her.

She needs sleep just as much. There’s more, so much more I’m going to do to her. Throwing her into the pool was the appetizer. There’s still a long road ahead of us.

Until she realizes she’s mine.

I slip a bookmark into the psychiatry book I’ve been reading. Placing it on the nightstand, I return to Leighton. She’s quiet as I drift my fingertips over her temple, brushing along her chapped lips.

So beautiful. I’ll give her another hour or so to regain her strength.

Meanwhile, I’ll take care of my other responsibilities. Of what’s bothering me more than Leighton’s nutrition.

Santa Barbara.

I’ve been really fucking careful not to leave a trail of what I’ve been up to at home. For years, I’ve made it a priority to keep anything and everything involving this house a secret.

My electronics are ones Rylan never knew existed. My laptop and cloud server aren’t connected to the credit cards I have in my wallet.

But underestimating her would be a mistake. Possibly a fatal one. When provoked, there’s no telling what this skilled hacker might be able to dig up. What she might find.

Without stirring the bed, I get out, grab the white T-shirt I left on one of the armchairs, and pull it over me.

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