Page 40 of Breaking the Girl

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We’re explosive together. Meant to be, regardless of what a sick, manipulative man he is.

What is he doing to my head?

“Good girl.” Marcus’s lips are swollen, his eyes are wildly intense coals. “You’re getting there. I’m going to fill your womb with my cum for being such a good girl.”

“You won’t,” I say, my voice hoarse. “I’m on the pill.”

His hand is firm on my jaw. “Shut up, little doll.”

He comes just then, and I’m quiet, watching him in awe. No. Not awe.



“Beautiful girl.” Marcus breathes heavily, resting his warm body on top of me.

My eyes find him. My Marcus is in there. There’s the cruel man in him and then there’s him. I’m sure he’s there. I need him to be there.

“Will you let me go now?” Don’t sob, don’t sob. I will not sob. “You got what you wanted, right?”

I’m not sure what scares me more. If he won’t let me go or won’t want me to stay.

Marcus’s reply is a harsh glower.

“I won’t tell anyone. I swear.”

“Leighton.” He kisses my forehead. “Why would it matter if you told anyone? You’re mine. That’s what couples do. They have sex. They stay together.”

The way he says it. He’s not giving me a choice. Will I ever leave here?

Or worse. My mind races back to the question from before.

Will I die here?

I’m twenty-two. I have a whole life ahead of me. A job waiting for me. Friends who love me. This isn’t the end. Can’t be.

“Please, I’m afraid, Marcus.” The stupid restraints stop me from curling into a ball. I’m tired. I’m terrified. “You scare me.”

“You still don’t get it.” An ominous hint seeps into his voice. “You will, though. We’ll work together until you do. Until you get it into your head that you’re mine. I’ll never give up on you.”

“No, no.” My head shakes, heart hammering. “Please, Marcus. Please, don’t kill me.”

“Of course, not. I’ll never kill you. Killing you means you’ll leave me. You’re never leaving me.” Determination changes his expression. He’s even more unreachable than before. “Listen, I understand it’s a lot to take in. For tonight, I’ll allow you these few hours to do some soul searching. By yourself.”

He doesn’t say the word that would put me in a state of trance. Marcus keeps me completely aware. While I’m still bound. Then, he stalks out of the room.

Maybe it’s for the best. Maybe he’ll come back tomorrow as the Marcus I remember. This Marcus is hot in all the wrong ways. He’s sexy and horrible and he’ll never let me out of here.

The other one is safe. The other one is home. He’ll let me go.

“I’m back, beautiful.” He walks toward me, a cloth in his hand. Surrounded by an aura of violence, madness and overwhelming strength. “Can’t leave you like this now, can I?”

My jaw drops when he sits at the edge of the bed, parting my legs. He pushes some of the cum back in and I don’t resist.

I’m on the pill, fucker. I took one this morning, and it should keep me safe. I don’t want his kids.


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