Page 33 of Breaking the Girl

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His desire chokes me. Binds me to Marcus tighter than the actual ropes do.

It’s a desire I recognize well because it matches mine. Or at least what I used to feel for him. A need so deep for a man who didn’t kidnap me or hold me hostage.

He brackets my face with his arms. His features twist in a way that makes it look like he’s about to violate me.

“Why are you doing this?” My voice cracks, my tongue tasting the plastic of the gag. “Please, untie me. This isn’t you, Marcus. Think about Ry.”

I’m not crying. I’m not panicking.

I’m being rational, appealing to his good side.

Reminding him who I am. A young, innocent woman. A girl who did nothing to deserve this. His daughter’s best friend.

“You started talking about taking back the moment we had in the pool.” Like a furious beast, he lowers his cock to my core. Pressing himself to me. “Then you called me a psycho.”

That first touch of his hard cock to my clit through our clothes shocks me. An electrifying bolt shoots up my spine and my back arches in response.

I don’t want this. Don’t want a man who fucking drugged me. My stupid body does. My body remembers how I’ve burned for the kind man I’ve known for years. Even when he treats me like I’m his to abuse. It wants him, and my God, I hate myself for it.

“Eyes on me, plaything,” he grunts, and I open them just when he starts grinding into me.

My moan is pathetic. My moan is uncontrollable.

“I don’t want to leave,” I breathe out the lie.

“You wanted to leave me”—his eyes are stormy when he grabs a fistful of my breast—“back home.”

“I didn’t—”

“We can’t do this,” he echoes my words. “Isn’t that what you said?”

“It is.”

That’s all I say. He’ll never hear the rest.

He only had to tell me he was willing to help me smooth things over with Rylan, and I would’ve been his.

I would’ve agreed to everything.

When he’s like this, though? Fuck no.

While he’s every bit the hot man I masturbated over, he’s also a monster. When I heard him call the woman in his fantasy his doll, green, ugly jealousy poisoned my veins. I should’ve been the subject of his desire. Of his obsession. The woman he beat off to.

Apparently, I am.

Except, in a far more horrifying way than I’ve ever imagined possible.

What else is he capable of?

Is this where I die?

“You see, Leighton, that’s exactly why I took you.” Marcus leans into me, his chest pressing into mine while he runs his nose along my neck. “So you won’t be able to leave until you realize we belong together. I’m not letting you go. Better get used to me. I’ll convince you to get used to me.”

With each stroke of his cock, he grows harder. I grow wetter and more humiliated by the second.

“I won’t go easy on you. My methods aren’t exactly what you’d call conventional.” Deft fingers toy with the knot on the side of my bikini bottoms. “They’re effective. That’s why it has to be done this way. I’ll hypnotize you. Invade your subconscious, tear down your inhibitions. By the time we’re through, you’ll give in to me.”

I gasp when his teeth close around my neck. When his words sink in.

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