Page 19 of Breaking the Girl

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My dirty mind colludes with my body against me, and I flirt. “Actually, I’m the one who’s been feeling kind of bad.”

His brow lowers a fraction, his fingers digging into my shoulders. “Elaborate.”

“For, um, you know.”

When Marcus tilts his head, he sets every nerve ending in my body on fire. That’s it. One simple gesture and I’m willing to kneel right here, right now.

“I’m afraid I don’t know.” His voice is a rough whisper. The voice he uses on those nights he fucks his hand and jerks off to his doll. “Please, explain.”

This moment is nothing short of monumental. It’s one I’ll make myself orgasm to when I’m far away in New York. Hell, I’ll probably orgasm to it until the day I die.

My throat clenches. My tongue and heart are desperate to jump on the opportunity to flirt some more.

“For sleeping over.” I sway toward him, and it’s like his eyes darken in response. “Using up all the hot water in the shower sometimes.”

A shadow flashes across his handsome face at the mention of the shower. Marcus leans in, towering over me so I have to tilt my head up to see him.

“You’re free to use the shower for as long as you’d like, Leighton.” The way he says my name, it’s as though he drags me to him. To his hard chest and his even harder erection. Yes, I saw that. Kind of impossible to miss. “You’re more than a guest around here. I hope you realize that.”

This is happening. This is actually happening. He’s flirting back.

My brain short-circuits. Desire soaks through my very white bikini bottoms. I feel like I’m lost in space, but at the same time, I’ve never been so grounded.

Have never been so sure of anything like I am that Marcus Kingston wants me.

He’s here, bathing me in his mysterious, fierce aura. His stare commands me to hold still for him. To relax for him. To submit to him.

I almost hear him order me to open my legs and be his good girl.

And while I haven’t done it before, I’ll do it. For him. Only him.

Finally, there’ll be a use for the pills I’ve been taking. Other than regulating my cycle, that is.

“Does that mean I could stay a few more weeks?” I squeeze my thighs, sending a message that I get what we’re doing here. That I’m all in.

“What it means is—”

“Hi, Dad!” Rylan’s cheerful voice startles the both of us. “I didn’t realize you were back.”



Marcus releases me in an instant. Takes a step back, as if touching me causes him physical pain.

My cheeks burn and my neck itches. He’s embarrassed of me. Of us. He’s never meant for this to happen.

Of course, he hasn’t.

What was I thinking?

Oh, that’s right. I wasn’t.

Flirting with my best friend’s dad with her right there in the pool behind us. What the fuck.

At least she hasn’t heard what we’ve been saying. If she had, she would’ve been pissed.

She’s not. She’s happy. Carefree.

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