Page 17 of Breaking the Girl

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Marcus Kingston? Asking me out?

“No.” I draw back, holding on to her shoulders with both hands now that she’s released mine.

Her expression is as if she’s fighting to hold onto her smile. She’s torn, and I feel her pain deep in my bones.

“No one’s asked or thought of asking me out,” I reassure her. “Besides, it’s you and me forever. We’re moving to New York next month. I’ll have too much fun being your roommate to date anyone.”

Unless your dad really insists. Then, I’m sorry, Ry. I’d run into his arms like a freight train. But you realized that last night, didn’t you?

Her lips press together, her eyes slam shut. I watch with mounting anxiety as her chest expands when she sucks in air.

“You’re right.” Rylan’s face lights up once more. Any memory of her near-breakdown is a memory of the past. “This isn’t your fault. I have no idea why I’ve been taking it out on you. It’s just that he keeps going on and on. Leighton this, Leighton that, let’s find Leighton an organic café in Manhattan before the move. Or Italian, Leigh loves Italian. What about me? What about finding spots that I’ll like? I thought he liked me.”

While Rylan looks at me with a sad smile, realization dawns on me.

Milo freaking Bauer.

I’ll have to sit the bastard down again. Explain to him that he and I will never happen.

He graduated from pre-med, for fuck’s sake. Getting this into his skull shouldn’t have been such a struggle.

Ugh. Men. Or scratch that—fucking doctors.

The one I want treats me as though I’m nothing but his daughter’s best friend. The one I don’t hunts me down as if making me his wife is his life’s mission.

“You know him.” I cover up for the jerk. “He’s being friendly, that’s it.”

Rylan stares at me, her eyes expecting me to continue. She needs me to plant hope where there isn’t any. Eager for me to tell her he’s been confessing his eternal love for her to me behind her back.

Lying in order to cheer her up would only hurt her in the long run.

“Leigh?” She bats her thick eyelashes.

A little white lie, though, shouldn’t be this bad.

“Well, I’ve been meaning to keep this a surprise. Just last week, Milo asked me to find pizza places for you.” I squeeze her shoulders. “Since we’re friends. Same as he did when he asked you.”

“For real?” Jumping off the bed, she shrieks. “He did?”

“Yes, but shh.” I follow her, clamping her hand over her parted lips. “Your dad isn’t exactly his biggest fan.”

She peels my hand off her mouth, flashing me her teeth. “He pretends Milo doesn’t exist. There’s a difference.”

It’s true. I can’t remember the last time Marcus greeted Milo. Oh, wait, he has. Two weeks ago, he grunted at our old classmate’s direction. That’s it.

“Dad can’t hear me anyway. He’s gone to town for grocery shopping. In any case, he’ll learn to love Milo.” Rylan nods emphatically. “My dad and my husband will simply have to get along. The three of us will be stuck together for life.”

Her dad. Who’ll be back soon.

And I’m still here with my morning breath.

“He has?” I ignore the stuck-together part. “I said I’ll go grocery shopping. Ry, I feel worse than before.”

“No, it’s cool, really. Chores are his thing, remember?”

Oh, I remember. He hardly lets me clear the dishes, and insists on doing my laundry while I stay over. It’s embarrassing as fuck, but the man’s relentless.

“If he’d let me pay for staying here, I would feel better about it.”

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