Page 154 of Breaking the Girl

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I can’t get my dick out fast enough, gripping both ropes to bring her arms behind her back. Using one hand, I haul her up by her hips and push inside her.

I’m desperate for my woman to be with me. For Leighton to be awake, fully aware of what a good girl she was. How insane she makes me.

I snap my fingers.

She’s sucked out of her trance, gasping in shock, then in arousal. I don’t stop pounding into her, hard and relentless and reverent. I tug on the ropes lightly, getting off on the pain and lust on her face. The part of it I see, anyway.

“You’re going to come with me.” I emphasize the command by spanking her ass twice. “Now, plaything. Fucking now.”

Her submission is immediate, and we both finish at the same time. I push deep into her, my primitive need to claim and mark her ever strong.

Eventually, when I’m all spent, I pull out. I’m careful and cautious. My hands are always on Leighton as I stand, then come to sit beside her. As I roll her to the side to face me. I relieve her of the ropes, pleased to see red marks adorning her wrists.

“You’ve been so good.” My words are as soft as my touch. I move Leighton up the bed with me, tuck us under the cover, and pin her back to my chest. “How are you?”

“Good.” Leighton snuggles deeper into the warmth I offer, sounding breathless and exhausted. “Really good.”

“That’s good.” I kiss her temple. “That’s all I’ve wanted coming here. Make it hurt so good that you fall right back asleep.”

One of my hands travels to her navel, drawing circles over Leighton’s stomach. Over the spot where maybe, just maybe, grows a new, exciting part of our lives.



Fingers explore my naked belly. The underside of my breast. They brush my nipples, the touch reverent and loving.


We lie in bed. His forehead is pressed to mine. My eyelids are closed, still heavy from the deep sleep I had. Not a trance. Not a nap, either.

I’ve been sleeping. Since after we had sex, for what seems like hours.

Which should be impossible. Marcus woke me up to play after a full night’s sleep. Or maybe he did it before he went out for his jog at sunrise? I was so high on our games; I hadn’t noticed whether the light in the room came from a lamp or the outside world.

He must’ve woken me at dawn. Had to. And here he is. Waking me up a second time this morning after his jog and morning coffee. I haven’t slept. No way. Just caught up on another hour or two of sleep.


I blink my eyes open. It takes forever for them to focus on Marcus’s handsome face. When they finally do, my heart expands in a million different directions. My soul soars.

The concentration on his face as he studies mine is intense. Probing. Focused on me as though nothing and no one else exists.

On our first days here, I resented his obsession. Hated what it did to him, to the man I adored and loved back home. My subconscious screamed that Marcus is all wrong. That he’ll slip up and we’ll die.

Today, I thrive on his insane side as much as I do on his sweet side.

I’m equally obsessed with both as much as he’s obsessed with me.

“Plaything.” His palm covers my chin, tilting my face to him. He’s shirtless, rising to perch on his forearm. Darkly gorgeous. My wicked demon. “Are you okay?”

“That’s a strange question,” my sleepy brain answers for me. I’ve been too wrapped up in how stunning Marcus is to understand where this is coming from. “Why are you asking?”

He wraps an arm around my back, dragging me to him. My palms are splayed on his chest and his hand slides to my ass, grabbing a fistful.

We’re enveloped in darkness. The lamps in the room haven’t been switched on, and it’s still too early in the morning to see Marcus well. It’s just the barest of lights that filters from behind the curtains.

Yup, he definitely woke me up before sunrise. My insatiable boyfriend.

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