Page 128 of Breaking the Girl

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Her blinking slows. Plump, pink lips parting.

“We’ll have one big family.” I hope to God I can make good on this promise. I’ll do anything to make good on it. “Us, our kids, Ry’s husband, and their kids. Trust me that we will.”

Another relieved sigh. I press my thumb to her wrist, checking on her pulse.




My cock jerks at her slow, measured pulse.

“Beautiful.” I lift her arm, then let it go. There’s a deviant satisfaction in my heart as I watch it fall without the slightest resistance. “I’ll figure this out. Neither you nor our children will be hated.”

I knead her nipple, hardening it between my index finger and thumb.

“Does that make you happy, little doll?”

She blinks once.


I bend to trail my nose along her neck. My lips taste the sun on Leighton’s skin. I turn to her other nipple, pinching it harder. Her yelp is delicious, and I snake an arm around her middle, forcing her on my dick.

With one hand around her waist and the other sliding to grip her jaw, I angle her doll-like face to me.

There’s something in her gaze. I’m curious. Insanely so. “You want something from me.”

Her one blink is immediate.

“You can talk, little doll. Show me what you want,” I instruct.

All that’s left for me to do is listen.



The thick molasses that’s holding me under clears by a fraction.

The change doesn’t happen on its own. It happens because Marcus has allowed it.

Over the last few minutes, he’d been putting me in a trance somehow. I sensed how my muscles gave in first, my mind second. He hadn’t planned on it.

By the tentative look in Marcus’s gaze and this different approach, I could tell it took him by surprise as well.

He didn’t force me. I could’ve stopped him at any moment.

Yet I didn’t.

“Leighton?” His black eyes aren’t any less dark here, under the sun. “What do you want?”

I’m still under, that much is clear. He’s induced me into a state of trance enough times that I recognize it.

But there’s one conscious thought that won’t leave me.

One thing to soothe me in this terrifying pool.

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