Page 71 of Voltage

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I am, however, playful.

“Couldn’t wait for me, huh?” My fingers sink into her soft hair and tug. She whimpers. “Greedy, greedy Amara.”

The sick part of me gets a kick out of fucking with their minds a little before I tell them I’m game.

I’m a sadistic fuck. This shouldn’t be news to her.

Shouldn’t be to Killian, either. Except it looks like it is, like in his need to defend her, he’s forgotten all about it. He’s so protective of her. I fucking love that.

“It’s not like that.” She doesn’t cower from me. Her throat bobs with her gulp, but her voice doesn’t waver. “I can explain.”

What’s the female equivalent to having balls? Having tits? A clit? Whatever it is, Amara has it.

“Carter, it’s my fault. Don’t blame Amara.” Killian grabs my arm, forcing my attention to him. “I pounced on her. I’m sorry.”

Being caught won’t turn Killian into a pathetic crybaby. Despite the remorse painted on his face, he owns up to his so-called mistake.

“Not your fault.” My eyes travel along his semi-naked body.

My stepdad’s body. Broad chest, accentuated six-pack. The V-shaped muscle between his hip bones and the dark trail of hair leading below his cotton pants.

His hard cock.

I’ve seen the outline of his hard-on plenty of times in the past. When he was around me. Talking to me. Staring at me.

He’s been attracted to me for years. And now I have my final proof that he’s attracted to Amara.

“Carter, don’t blame Amara.” His jaw clenches, his voice determined. “She didn’t do anything. I did. It’s all on me.”

“I’m sorry, Carter.”

My attention snaps back to her. Such a beautiful, strong, woman.

I cock my head, sticking to my little game. “Your apologies are unnecessary.”

Killian’s fingers dig into my skin. “Carter…” he warns.

“You’re breaking up with me?” Tears brim in Amara’s big brown eyes.

Still, though, she plays it cool. No begging. No pointing fingers at Killian. She’s regal even in her sadness.

No wonder I’m in love.

“Amara.” I slide my hand to the side of her neck, gripping her.

“You’re right,” Amara rushes to add, breathing hard beneath my fingers. “I fucked up. I’ll leave. I’ll carry my bags downstairs and leave.”

“No.” Killian releases me, reaching for her wrist between us. The veins on his forearms bulge, his heat seeping into my body. “You’re not going anywhere.”

The way he’s holding her hard like that has precum wetting the tip of my cock.

“And you.” Killian’s an inch from my face. His eyes are mad. Lust and protectiveness play in them. I want both. I want all of him. “You’re not breaking up with her. I invaded her personal space. Me.”

My tongue swipes along the top row of my teeth, and I smile.

First, I heard him confess he liked both Amara and me.

Now, they’re protecting each other. Practically ganging up on me.

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