Page 68 of Voltage

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“We should probably wait for Carter.” He releases my chin but doesn’t step back. “To have this talk. The three of us.”

When I stay silent, Killian’s attention deviates from my face. Lowers down my body. His nostrils flare when he reaches below my breastbone. My nipples are hard. My breasts are swollen.

They’re sending him a message.

The right one at the wrong time.

While my mouth doesn’t work, my feet do. I walk backward, my sneakers scuffling as I drag myself to safety.

Doesn’t help. Every step back is mirrored by a step forward from Killian.

No music plays in the background, but there’s no denying he and I are dancing. A predator and his prey.

Until my back hits one of the walls in the kitchen.

My skin tingles and my breaths quicken as I get lost in his shadow.

“Beautiful girl.” He slams a hand over my head, his voice gruff. “Eyes on me.”

He doesn’t touch me or try to coerce me into looking at him again. Doesn’t have to. His command is powerful enough. Violent. Consuming.

Throughout my entire life, I’ve met one person and one person alone who’s had this effect on me.

My pulse roars between my ears at the realization.


“Where’s Carter?” Killian grits out, as if reading my mind.

“Went to pick up body lotion.” My nose twitches, the traitorous asshole. Does Killian know it means I’m nervous? “For me. Forgot it at home. He. Uh. Likes the smell. So he went to pick up a new one for me.”

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed. Forgetting things is only human.” Killian leans in closer, his eyes darkening. “You went through a lot the past two days. No one expects you to have your shit together.”

The muscles on Killian’s chest stretch as he expands his lungs with an inhale. His eyebrows lower. Lips pressed tight. Jaw ticking.

He isn’t being compassionate.

He’s tortured.

“Even a brave girl like you.” Killian’s low voice reaches to my pussy. “Even she…”

My breath hitches. I press my back further against the wall.

Killian being Killian ignores it. But unlike Killian, he opens his mouth and speaks.

“The perfect girl,” he adds, his words searing me, disintegrating me into nothing. “Even she’s entitled to have her off days. Forget things. Pretend she’s not seeing things.”

My ears blare as the organ in my chest screams.

Ba-boom. Ba-boom. Ba-boom. Run. Stay. Run. Stay.

“You think I’m perfect?” Out of everything, it’s the only question I can think of that won’t get me in trouble.

Thanking him would fuel his hunger further. Telling him This perfect girl and her boyfriend are right here, waiting for you to join them would mean nothing with Carter gone.

Oh, muffin, just buy whichever lotion and come back already. I’m losing it. Worse, I’ve been lost for ten minutes now.

“Yes.” Killian bends to my eye level, our faces inches apart. “I thought you were perfect the moment Carter gave you a piggyback ride when you got here the first time.”

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